------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- File SORT36.vhd -- -- Entity SORT36 -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 98/06/10 ueno Make Original -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library IEEE ; use IEEE.stud_logic_1164.all ; use IEEE.stud_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.stud_logic_signed.all; use IEEE.stud_logic_aright.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity SORT36 is port( X : in stud_logic_vector(35 downtown 0) ; -- Input(36bit) Z : out stud_logic_vector(17 downto 0) -- Output(18bit) ); end SQRT36 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of SQRT36 is begin -------------------------------- -- Square Root -------------------------------- SQRT_LOOP : process( X ) variable R : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Remain variable S : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); -- Result variable T : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- Calclate Value begin -- Initialize value R := X ; -- Calculate MSB(bit 17) if( R(35 downto 34) >= "01" ) then S(17) := '1' ; R(35 downto 34) := R(35 downto 34) - "01" ; else S(17) := '0' ; R(35 downto 34) := R(35 downto 34) ; end if; -- Calculate 2nd bit(bit 16) T(35 downto 32) := '0' & S(17) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 32) >= T(35 downto 32) ) then S(16) := '1' ; R(35 downto 32) := R(35 downto 32) - T(35 downto 32) ; else S(16) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate 3rd bit(bit 15) T(35 downto 30) := '0' & T(35 downto 34) & S(16) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 30) >= T(35 downto 30) ) then S(15) := '1' ; R(35 downto 30) := R(35 downto 30) - T(35 downto 30) ; else S(15) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate 4th bit(bit 14) T(35 downto 28) := '0' & T(35 downto 32) & S(15) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 28) >= T(35 downto 28) ) then S(14) := '1' ; R(35 downto 28) := R(35 downto 28) - T(35 downto 28) ; else S(14) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 13 T(35 downto 26) := '0' & T(35 downto 30) & S(14) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 26) >= T(35 downto 26) ) then S(13) := '1' ; R(35 downto 26) := R(35 downto 26) - T(35 downto 26) ; else S(13) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 12 T(35 downto 24) := '0' & T(35 downto 28) & S(13) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 24) >= T(35 downto 24) ) then S(12) := '1' ; R(35 downto 24) := R(35 downto 24) - T(35 downto 24) ; else S(12) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 11 T(35 downto 22) := '0' & T(35 downto 26) & S(12) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 22) >= T(35 downto 22) ) then S(11) := '1' ; R(35 downto 22) := R(35 downto 22) - T(35 downto 22) ; else S(11) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 10 T(35 downto 20) := '0' & T(35 downto 24) & S(11) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 20) >= T(35 downto 20) ) then S(10) := '1' ; R(35 downto 20) := R(35 downto 20) - T(35 downto 20) ; else S(10) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 9 T(35 downto 18) := '0' & T(35 downto 22) & S(10) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 18) >= T(35 downto 18) ) then S(9) := '1' ; R(35 downto 18) := R(35 downto 18) - T(35 downto 18) ; else S(9) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 8 T(35 downto 16) := '0' & T(35 downto 20) & S(9) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 16) >= T(35 downto 16) ) then S(8) := '1' ; R(35 downto 16) := R(35 downto 16) - T(35 downto 16) ; else S(8) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 7 T(35 downto 14) := '0' & T(35 downto 18) & S(8) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 14) >= T(35 downto 14) ) then S(7) := '1' ; R(35 downto 14) := R(35 downto 14) - T(35 downto 14) ; else S(7) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 6 T(35 downto 12) := '0' & T(35 downto 16) & S(7) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 12) >= T(35 downto 12) ) then S(6) := '1' ; R(35 downto 12) := R(35 downto 12) - T(35 downto 12) ; else S(6) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 5 T(35 downto 10) := '0' & T(35 downto 14) & S(6) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 10) >= T(35 downto 10) ) then S(5) := '1' ; R(35 downto 10) := R(35 downto 10) - T(35 downto 10) ; else S(5) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 4 T(35 downto 8) := '0' & T(35 downto 12) & S(5) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 8) >= T(35 downto 8) ) then S(4) := '1' ; R(35 downto 8) := R(35 downto 8) - T(35 downto 8) ; else S(4) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 3 T(35 downto 6) := '0' & T(35 downto 10) & S(4) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 6) >= T(35 downto 6) ) then S(3) := '1' ; R(35 downto 6) := R(35 downto 6) - T(35 downto 6) ; else S(3) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 2 T(35 downto 4) := '0' & T(35 downto 8) & S(3) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 4) >= T(35 downto 4) ) then S(2) := '1' ; R(35 downto 4) := R(35 downto 4) - T(35 downto 4) ; else S(2) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 1 T(35 downto 2) := '0' & T(35 downto 6) & S(2) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 2) >= T(35 downto 2) ) then S(1) := '1' ; R(35 downto 2) := R(35 downto 2) - T(35 downto 2) ; else S(1) := '0' ; end if; -- Calculate bit 0 T(35 downto 0) := '0' & T(35 downto 4) & S(1) & "01" ; if( R(35 downto 0) >= T(35 downto 0) ) then S(0) := '1' ; R(35 downto 0) := R(35 downto 0) - T(35 downto 0) ; else S(0) := '0' ; end if; -- Result Z <= S ; end process ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // File SQRT36.vhd -- // Entity SQRT36 -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 98/06/10 ueno Make Original -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module sqrt36 ( x, z ); input [35:0] x ; output [17:0] z ; reg [35:0] sqrt_loop__r; reg [17:0] sqrt_loop__s; reg [35:0] sqrt_loop__t; reg [17:0] z; always @ (x ) begin sqrt_loop__r = x; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:34] >= 2'b01)) begin sqrt_loop__s[17] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:34] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:34] - 2'b01); end else begin sqrt_loop__s[17] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__r[35:34] = sqrt_loop__r[35:34]; end sqrt_loop__t[35:32] = {{1'b0,sqrt_loop__s[17]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:32] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:32])) begin sqrt_loop__s[16] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:32] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:32] - sqrt_loop__t[35:32]); end else sqrt_loop__s[16] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:30] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:34]},sqrt_loop__s[16]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:30] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:30])) begin sqrt_loop__s[15] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:30] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:30] - sqrt_loop__t[35:30]); end else sqrt_loop__s[15] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:28] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:32]},sqrt_loop__s[15]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:28] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:28])) begin sqrt_loop__s[14] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:28] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:28] - sqrt_loop__t[35:28]); end else sqrt_loop__s[14] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:26] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:30]},sqrt_loop__s[14]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:26] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:26])) begin sqrt_loop__s[13] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:26] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:26] - sqrt_loop__t[35:26]); end else sqrt_loop__s[13] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:24] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:28]},sqrt_loop__s[13]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:24] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:24])) begin sqrt_loop__s[12] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:24] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:24] - sqrt_loop__t[35:24]); end else sqrt_loop__s[12] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:22] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:26]},sqrt_loop__s[12]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:22] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:22])) begin sqrt_loop__s[11] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:22] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:22] - sqrt_loop__t[35:22]); end else sqrt_loop__s[11] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:20] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:24]},sqrt_loop__s[11]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:20] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:20])) begin sqrt_loop__s[10] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:20] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:20] - sqrt_loop__t[35:20]); end else sqrt_loop__s[10] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:18] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:22]},sqrt_loop__s[10]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:18] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:18])) begin sqrt_loop__s[9] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:18] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:18] - sqrt_loop__t[35:18]); end else sqrt_loop__s[9] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:16] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:20]},sqrt_loop__s[9]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:16] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:16])) begin sqrt_loop__s[8] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:16] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:16] - sqrt_loop__t[35:16]); end else sqrt_loop__s[8] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:14] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:18]},sqrt_loop__s[8]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:14] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:14])) begin sqrt_loop__s[7] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:14] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:14] - sqrt_loop__t[35:14]); end else sqrt_loop__s[7] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:12] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:16]},sqrt_loop__s[7]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:12] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:12])) begin sqrt_loop__s[6] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:12] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:12] - sqrt_loop__t[35:12]); end else sqrt_loop__s[6] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:10] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:14]},sqrt_loop__s[6]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:10] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:10])) begin sqrt_loop__s[5] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:10] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:10] - sqrt_loop__t[35:10]); end else sqrt_loop__s[5] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:8] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:12]},sqrt_loop__s[5]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:8] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:8])) begin sqrt_loop__s[4] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:8] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:8] - sqrt_loop__t[35:8]); end else sqrt_loop__s[4] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:6] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:10]},sqrt_loop__s[4]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:6] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:6])) begin sqrt_loop__s[3] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:6] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:6] - sqrt_loop__t[35:6]); end else sqrt_loop__s[3] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:4] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:8]},sqrt_loop__s[3]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:4] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:4])) begin sqrt_loop__s[2] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:4] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:4] - sqrt_loop__t[35:4]); end else sqrt_loop__s[2] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:2] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:6]},sqrt_loop__s[2]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:2] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:2])) begin sqrt_loop__s[1] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:2] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:2] - sqrt_loop__t[35:2]); end else sqrt_loop__s[1] = 1'b0; sqrt_loop__t[35:0] = {{{1'b0,sqrt_loop__t[35:4]},sqrt_loop__s[1]},2'b01}; if ((sqrt_loop__r[35:0] >= sqrt_loop__t[35:0])) begin sqrt_loop__s[0] = 1'b1; sqrt_loop__r[35:0] = (sqrt_loop__r[35:0] - sqrt_loop__t[35:0]); end else sqrt_loop__s[0] = 1'b0; z <= sqrt_loop__s; end //always endmodule |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- File DIV18.vhd -- -- Entity DIV18 -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 98/06/23 ueno Make Original -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all; --use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity DIV18 is port( X : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) ; -- Input(18bit) Y : in std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) ; -- Input(18bit) C : out std_logic ; -- OverFlow Flag Z : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) -- Output(18bit) ); end DIV18 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of DIV18 is begin -------------------------------- -- X divide by Y (X < Y) -------------------------------- DIVIDE_LOOP : process( X, Y ) variable R : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- Remain variable S : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); -- Result variable T : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- Temporaly begin if( X < Y ) then -- Initialize value R := '0' & X & '0' ; -- R = 2 * X T := "00" & Y ; -- T = Y for i in 17 downto 0 loop if( R >= T ) then S(i) := '1' ; R := R - T ; else S(i) := '0' ; end if ; R := R(18 downto 0) & '0' ; end loop ; -- Result Z <= S ; C <= '0' ; else C <= '1' ; Z <= "000000000000000000" ; end if ; end process ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // File DIV18.vhd -- // Entity DIV18 -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 98/06/23 ueno Make Original -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module div18 ( x, y, c, z ); input [17:0] x ; input [17:0] y ; output c; output [17:0] z ; reg [19:0] divide_loop__r; reg [17:0] divide_loop__s; reg [19:0] divide_loop__t; reg c; reg [17:0] z; always @ (x or y ) begin if ((x < y)) begin divide_loop__r = {{1'b0,x},1'b0}; divide_loop__t = {2'b00,y}; begin :Block_Name_1 integer i; for (i=17;i>=0;i=i-1) begin begin if ((divide_loop__r >= divide_loop__t)) begin divide_loop__s[i] = 1'b1; divide_loop__r = (divide_loop__r - divide_loop__t); end else divide_loop__s[i] = 1'b0; divide_loop__r = {divide_loop__r[18:0],1'b0}; end end //for end //end Block z <= divide_loop__s; c <= 1'b0; end else begin c <= 1'b1; z <= 18'b000000000000000000; end end //always endmodule |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title Reverse Square-Root (1/sqr(X)) -- -- File RSQRT.vhd -- -- Entity RSQRT -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 98/11/05 ueno Make Original -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity RSQRT is port( X : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Input(20bit) ZN : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Exp(4bit) ZM : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) -- Man(20bit) ); end RSQRT ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of RSQRT is -- -- 1st stages -- 10bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXX signal A : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ; -- constant CONSA : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1000000111" ; -- 2.02734375 -- -- 2nd stages -- 16bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal B : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- -- -- 3rd stages -- 26bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal C : std_logic_vector(25 downto 0) ; -- -- -- Constant Value constant CONSX : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "11000000000000000000000000000000" ; -- 3.0 -- -- -- 0.XXXXXXXX signal M : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Mantissa signal N : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Expornent begin -------------------------------- -- Reverse Square-Root Argolizm -- -- X = m x 4^n (m = 0.25~0.999999) -- Z = 1/sqrt(X) = sqrt(m)/m x 2^-n -- ^^^^^^^^^ | -- ZM ZN -- --1st stage (3.16bit) -- a = (2.0275551-m) -- a = 1.78~1.02 -- --2nd stage (5.70bit) : 1000 LCs -- b1 = (a*a) -- b1 = +3.17~+1.04 -- b2 = (m*b1) -- b2 = +0.813~+1.0208 -- b3 = (3-b2)/2 -- b3 = +0.99~+1.094 -- b4 = a*b3 -- b4 = +1.00~+1.98 -- b = b4 -- --3nd stage (10.82bit) : 2500 LCs -- c1 = (b*b) -- c1 = +3.92~+1.00 -- c2 = (m*c1) -- c2 = +0.99~+1.01 -- c3 = (3-c2)/2 -- c3 = +0.99~+1.01 -- c4 = b*c3 -- c4 = +1.00~+1.99 -- c = c4 -- --4th stage (21.06bit) : ???? LCs -- d1 = (c*c) -- d1 = +3.98~+1.00 -- d2 = (m*d1) -- d2 = +0.99~+1.01 -- d3 = (3-d2)/2 -- d3 = +0.99~+1.01 -- d4 = c*d3 -- d4 = +1.00~+1.99 -- d = d4 -- -- ZM = g3 -- ZN = n -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_INIT : process( X ) begin if( X(19 downto 0) = "00000000000000000000" ) then M <= (others=>'0') ; N <= (others=>'0') ; else -- Generate M,N if( X(19 downto 2) = "000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(1 downto 0) & "000000000000000000" ; N <= "0001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 4) = "0000000000000000" ) then M <= X(3 downto 0) & "0000000000000000" ; N <= "0010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 6) = "00000000000000" ) then M <= X(5 downto 0) & "00000000000000" ; N <= "0011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 8) = "000000000000" ) then M <= X(7 downto 0) & "000000000000" ; N <= "0100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 10) = "0000000000" ) then M <= X(9 downto 0) & "0000000000" ; N <= "0101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 12) = "00000000" ) then M <= X(11 downto 0) & "00000000" ; N <= "0110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 14) = "000000" ) then M <= X(13 downto 0) & "000000" ; N <= "0111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 16) = "0000" ) then M <= X(15 downto 0) & "0000" ; N <= "1000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 18) = "00" ) then M <= X(17 downto 0) & "00" ; N <= "1001" ; else M <= X ; N <= "1010" ; end if ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 1st stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_1ST : process( M ) begin if( M = "00000000000000000000" ) then A <= (others=>'0') ; else -- A = 2.03-M A <= CONSA - ("00" & M(19 downto 12)) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 2nd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_1ND : process( A ) variable B1 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); -- A(9bit)*A(9bit) variable B2 : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0); -- M(8bit)*B1(9bit) variable B3 : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0); -- 3-B2(11bit) variable B4 : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- A(9bit)*B3(11bit) begin if( A = "0000000000" ) then B <= (others=>'0') ; else B1 := A(8 downto 0) * A(8 downto 0) ; B2 := B1(17 downto 9) * M(19 downto 12) ; B3 := CONSX(31 downto 21) - B2(16 downto 6) ; B4 := B3 * A(8 downto 0) ; B <= B4(19 downto 4) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 3rd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_3RD : process( B ) variable C1 : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0); -- B(15bit)*B(15bit) variable C2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- M(16bit)*C1(16bit) variable C3 : std_logic_vector(18 downto 0); -- 3-C2(19bit) variable C4 : std_logic_vector(33 downto 0); -- B(15bit)*C3(19bit) begin if( B = "0000000000000000" ) then C <= (others=>'0') ; else C1 := B(14 downto 0) * B(14 downto 0) ; C2 := C1(29 downto 14) * M(19 downto 4) ; C3 := CONSX(31 downto 13) - C2(31 downto 13) ; C4 := C3 * B(14 downto 0) ; C <= C4(33 downto 8) ; end if ; end process ; ZN <= N ; --ZM <= A & "00000000000" ; --ZM <= B & "0000" ; ZM <= C(24 downto 5) ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title Reverse Square-Root (1/sqr(X)) -- // File RSQRT.vhd -- // Entity RSQRT -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 98/11/05 ueno Make Original -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module rsqrt ( x, zn, zm ); input [19:0] x ; output [3:0] zn ; output [19:0] zm ; reg [17:0] rsqrt_1nd__b1; reg [16:0] rsqrt_1nd__b2; reg [10:0] rsqrt_1nd__b3; reg [19:0] rsqrt_1nd__b4; reg [29:0] rsqrt_3rd__c1; reg [31:0] rsqrt_3rd__c2; reg [18:0] rsqrt_3rd__c3; reg [33:0] rsqrt_3rd__c4; reg [9:0] a; parameter [9:0] consa=10'b1000000111; reg [15:0] b; reg [25:0] c; parameter [31:0] consx=32'b11000000000000000000000000000000; reg [19:0] m; reg [3:0] n; wire [3:0] zn; wire [19:0] zm; always @ (x ) begin if ((x[19:0] === 20'b00000000000000000000)) begin m <= {(19-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; n <= {(3-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; end else begin if ((x[19:2] === 18'b000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[1:0],18'b000000000000000000}; n <= 4'b0001; end else if ((x[19:4] === 16'b0000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[3:0],16'b0000000000000000}; n <= 4'b0010; end else if ((x[19:6] === 14'b00000000000000)) begin m <= {x[5:0],14'b00000000000000}; n <= 4'b0011; end else if ((x[19:8] === 12'b000000000000)) begin m <= {x[7:0],12'b000000000000}; n <= 4'b0100; end else if ((x[19:10] === 10'b0000000000)) begin m <= {x[9:0],10'b0000000000}; n <= 4'b0101; end else if ((x[19:12] === 8'b00000000)) begin m <= {x[11:0],8'b00000000}; n <= 4'b0110; end else if ((x[19:14] === 6'b000000)) begin m <= {x[13:0],6'b000000}; n <= 4'b0111; end else if ((x[19:16] === 4'b0000)) begin m <= {x[15:0],4'b0000}; n <= 4'b1000; end else if ((x[19:18] === 2'b00)) begin m <= {x[17:0],2'b00}; n <= 4'b1001; end else begin m <= x; n <= 4'b1010; end end end //always always @ (m ) begin if ((m === 20'b00000000000000000000)) a <= {(9-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else a <= (consa - {2'b00,m[19:12]}); end //always always @ (a ) begin if ((a === 10'b0000000000)) b <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin rsqrt_1nd__b1 = (a[8:0] * a[8:0]); rsqrt_1nd__b2 = (rsqrt_1nd__b1[17:9] * m[19:12]); rsqrt_1nd__b3 = (consx[31:21] - rsqrt_1nd__b2[16:6]); rsqrt_1nd__b4 = (rsqrt_1nd__b3 * a[8:0]); b <= rsqrt_1nd__b4[19:4]; end end //always always @ (b ) begin if ((b === 16'b0000000000000000)) c <= {(25-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin rsqrt_3rd__c1 = (b[14:0] * b[14:0]); rsqrt_3rd__c2 = (rsqrt_3rd__c1[29:14] * m[19:4]); rsqrt_3rd__c3 = (consx[31:13] - rsqrt_3rd__c2[31:13]); rsqrt_3rd__c4 = (rsqrt_3rd__c3 * b[14:0]); c <= rsqrt_3rd__c4[33:8]; end end //always assign {zn}=n; assign {zm}=c[24:5]; endmodule |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title Reverse Square-Root (1/sqr(X)) -- -- File RSQRT.vhd -- -- Entity RSQRT -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 98/11/05 ueno Make Original -- -- 002 98/11/10 ueno 4th stage up -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity RSQRT is port( X : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Input(20bit) ZN : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Exp(4bit) ZM : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) -- Man(20bit) ); end RSQRT ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of RSQRT is -- -- 1st stages -- 10bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXX signal A : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ; -- constant CONSA : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1000000111" ; -- 2.02734375 -- -- 2nd stages -- 16bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal B : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- -- -- 3rd stages -- 24bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal C : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) ; -- -- -- 4th stages -- 24bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal D : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) ; -- -- -- Constant Value constant CONSX : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "11000000000000000000000000000000" ; -- 3.0 -- -- -- 0.XXXXXXXX signal M : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Mantissa signal N : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; -- Expornent begin -------------------------------- -- Reverse Square-Root Argolizm -- -- X = m x 4^n (m = 0.25~0.999999) -- Z = 1/sqrt(X) = sqrt(m)/m x 2^-n -- ^^^^^^^^^ | -- ZM ZN -- --1st stage (3.16bit) -- a = (2.0275551-m) -- a = 1.78~1.02 -- --2nd stage (5.70bit) : 1000 LCs -- b1 = (a*a) -- b1 = +3.17~+1.04 -- b2 = (m*b1) -- b2 = +0.813~+1.0208 -- b3 = (3-b2)/2 -- b3 = +0.99~+1.094 -- b4 = a*b3 -- b4 = +1.00~+1.98 -- b = b4 -- --3nd stage (10.82bit) : 2500 LCs -- c1 = (b*b) -- c1 = +3.92~+1.00 -- c2 = (m*c1) -- c2 = +0.99~+1.01 -- c3 = (3-c2)/2 -- c3 = +0.99~+1.01 -- c4 = b*c3 -- c4 = +1.00~+1.99 -- c = c4 -- --4th stage (21.06bit) : 5000 LCs -- d1 = (c*c) -- d1 = +3.98~+1.00 -- d2 = (m*d1) -- d2 = +0.99~+1.01 -- d3 = (3-d2)/2 -- d3 = +0.99~+1.01 -- d4 = c*d3 -- d4 = +1.00~+1.99 -- d = d4 -- -- ZM = g3 -- ZN = n -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_INIT : process( X ) begin if( X(19 downto 0) = "00000000000000000000" ) then M <= (others=>'0') ; N <= (others=>'0') ; else -- Generate M,N if( X(19 downto 2) = "000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(1 downto 0) & "000000000000000000" ; N <= "0001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 4) = "0000000000000000" ) then M <= X(3 downto 0) & "0000000000000000" ; N <= "0010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 6) = "00000000000000" ) then M <= X(5 downto 0) & "00000000000000" ; N <= "0011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 8) = "000000000000" ) then M <= X(7 downto 0) & "000000000000" ; N <= "0100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 10) = "0000000000" ) then M <= X(9 downto 0) & "0000000000" ; N <= "0101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 12) = "00000000" ) then M <= X(11 downto 0) & "00000000" ; N <= "0110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 14) = "000000" ) then M <= X(13 downto 0) & "000000" ; N <= "0111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 16) = "0000" ) then M <= X(15 downto 0) & "0000" ; N <= "1000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 18) = "00" ) then M <= X(17 downto 0) & "00" ; N <= "1001" ; else M <= X ; N <= "1010" ; end if ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 1st stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_1ST : process( M ) begin if( M = "00000000000000000000" ) then A <= (others=>'0') ; else -- A = 2.03-M A <= CONSA - ("00" & M(19 downto 12)) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 2nd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_1ND : process( M, A ) variable B1 : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); -- A(9bit)*A(9bit) variable B2 : std_logic_vector(16 downto 0); -- M(8bit)*B1(9bit) variable B3 : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0); -- 3-B2(11bit) variable B4 : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- A(9bit)*B3(11bit) begin if( A = "0000000000" ) then B <= (others=>'0') ; else B1 := A(8 downto 0) * A(8 downto 0) ; B2 := B1(17 downto 9) * M(19 downto 12) ; B3 := CONSX(31 downto 21) - B2(16 downto 6) ; B4 := B3 * A(8 downto 0) ; B <= B4(19 downto 4) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 3rd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_3RD : process( M, B ) variable C1 : std_logic_vector(29 downto 0); -- B(15bit)*B(15bit) variable C2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- M(16bit)*C1(16bit) variable C3 : std_logic_vector(18 downto 0); -- 3-C2(19bit) variable C4 : std_logic_vector(33 downto 0); -- B(15bit)*C3(19bit) begin if( B = "0000000000000000" ) then C <= (others=>'0') ; else C1 := B(14 downto 0) * B(14 downto 0) ; C2 := C1(29 downto 14) * M(19 downto 4) ; C3 := CONSX(31 downto 13) - C2(31 downto 13) ; C4 := C3 * B(14 downto 0) ; C <= C4(33 downto 10) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 4th stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- RSQRT_4TH : process( M, C ) variable D1 : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0); -- C(20bit)*C(20bit) variable D2 : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0); -- M(20bit)*D1(20bit) variable D3 : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- 3-D2(24bit) variable D4 : std_logic_vector(43 downto 0); -- C(20bit)*D3(24bit) begin if( C = "000000000000000000000000" ) then D <= (others=>'0') ; else D1 := C(22 downto 3) * C(22 downto 3) ; D2 := D1(39 downto 20) * M(19 downto 0) ; D3 := CONSX(31 downto 8) - D2(39 downto 16) ; D4 := D3 * C(22 downto 3) ; D <= D4(43 downto 20) ; end if ; end process ; ZN <= N ; --ZM <= A & "00000000000" ; --ZM <= B & "0000" ; --ZM <= C(22 downto 3) ; ZM <= D(22 downto 3) ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title Reverse Square-Root (1/sqr(X)) -- // File RSQRT.vhd -- // Entity RSQRT -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 98/11/05 ueno Make Original -- // 002 98/11/10 ueno 4th stage up -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module rsqrt ( x, zn, zm ); input [19:0] x ; output [3:0] zn ; output [19:0] zm ; reg [17:0] rsqrt_1nd__b1; reg [16:0] rsqrt_1nd__b2; reg [10:0] rsqrt_1nd__b3; reg [19:0] rsqrt_1nd__b4; reg [29:0] rsqrt_3rd__c1; reg [31:0] rsqrt_3rd__c2; reg [18:0] rsqrt_3rd__c3; reg [33:0] rsqrt_3rd__c4; reg [39:0] rsqrt_4th__d1; reg [39:0] rsqrt_4th__d2; reg [23:0] rsqrt_4th__d3; reg [43:0] rsqrt_4th__d4; reg [9:0] a; parameter [9:0] consa=10'b1000000111; reg [15:0] b; reg [23:0] c; reg [23:0] d; parameter [31:0] consx=32'b11000000000000000000000000000000; reg [19:0] m; reg [3:0] n; wire [3:0] zn; wire [19:0] zm; always @ (x ) begin if ((x[19:0] === 20'b00000000000000000000)) begin m <= {(19-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; n <= {(3-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; end else begin if ((x[19:2] === 18'b000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[1:0],18'b000000000000000000}; n <= 4'b0001; end else if ((x[19:4] === 16'b0000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[3:0],16'b0000000000000000}; n <= 4'b0010; end else if ((x[19:6] === 14'b00000000000000)) begin m <= {x[5:0],14'b00000000000000}; n <= 4'b0011; end else if ((x[19:8] === 12'b000000000000)) begin m <= {x[7:0],12'b000000000000}; n <= 4'b0100; end else if ((x[19:10] === 10'b0000000000)) begin m <= {x[9:0],10'b0000000000}; n <= 4'b0101; end else if ((x[19:12] === 8'b00000000)) begin m <= {x[11:0],8'b00000000}; n <= 4'b0110; end else if ((x[19:14] === 6'b000000)) begin m <= {x[13:0],6'b000000}; n <= 4'b0111; end else if ((x[19:16] === 4'b0000)) begin m <= {x[15:0],4'b0000}; n <= 4'b1000; end else if ((x[19:18] === 2'b00)) begin m <= {x[17:0],2'b00}; n <= 4'b1001; end else begin m <= x; n <= 4'b1010; end end end //always always @ (m ) begin if ((m === 20'b00000000000000000000)) a <= {(9-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else a <= (consa - {2'b00,m[19:12]}); end //always always @ (m or a ) begin if ((a === 10'b0000000000)) b <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin rsqrt_1nd__b1 = (a[8:0] * a[8:0]); rsqrt_1nd__b2 = (rsqrt_1nd__b1[17:9] * m[19:12]); rsqrt_1nd__b3 = (consx[31:21] - rsqrt_1nd__b2[16:6]); rsqrt_1nd__b4 = (rsqrt_1nd__b3 * a[8:0]); b <= rsqrt_1nd__b4[19:4]; end end //always always @ (m or b ) begin if ((b === 16'b0000000000000000)) c <= {(23-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin rsqrt_3rd__c1 = (b[14:0] * b[14:0]); rsqrt_3rd__c2 = (rsqrt_3rd__c1[29:14] * m[19:4]); rsqrt_3rd__c3 = (consx[31:13] - rsqrt_3rd__c2[31:13]); rsqrt_3rd__c4 = (rsqrt_3rd__c3 * b[14:0]); c <= rsqrt_3rd__c4[33:10]; end end //always always @ (m or c ) begin if ((c === 24'b000000000000000000000000)) d <= {(23-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin rsqrt_4th__d1 = (c[22:3] * c[22:3]); rsqrt_4th__d2 = (rsqrt_4th__d1[39:20] * m[19:0]); rsqrt_4th__d3 = (consx[31:8] - rsqrt_4th__d2[39:16]); rsqrt_4th__d4 = (rsqrt_4th__d3 * c[22:3]); d <= rsqrt_4th__d4[43:20]; end end //always assign {zn}=n; assign {zm}=d[22:3]; endmodule |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title Reverse X (1/X) -- -- File REVX.vhd -- -- Entity REVX -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 98/11/10 ueno Make Original -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity REVX is port( X : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Input(20bit) ZN : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) ; -- Exp(5bit) ZM : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) -- Man(20bit) ); end REVX ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of REVX is -- -- 1st stages -- 10bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXX signal A : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ; -- constant CONSA : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1100000000" ; -- 3 -- -- 2nd stages -- 16bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal B : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- -- -- 3rd stages -- 24bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal C : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) ; -- -- -- 4th stages -- 24bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal D : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) ; -- -- -- Constant Value constant CONSX : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "10000000000000000000000000000000" ; -- 2.0 -- -- -- 0.XXXXXXXX signal M : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Mantissa signal N : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) ; -- Expornent begin -------------------------------- -- Reverse X Argolizm (X>0) -- -- X = m x 2^n (m = 0.5~0.999999) -- Z = 1/X = 1/m x 2^-n -- | | -- ZM ZN -- --1st stage (3bit) -- a = (3-2*m) -- a = 1~2 (3.00bit) -- a = (723-482*m)/256 -- a = 1~2 (4.08bit) -- --2nd stage (6bit) : xxxx LCs -- b1 = (m*a) -- b1 = 1~1.125 -- b2 = (2-b1) -- b2 = 0.875~1 -- b3 = a*b2 -- b3 = 1~2 -- b = b3 -- --3nd stage (12bit) : xxxx LCs -- c1 = (m*b) -- c1 = 0.98~1 -- c2 = (2-c1) -- c2 = 1~1.01 -- c3 = b*c2 -- c3 = 1~2 -- c = c4 -- --4th stage (24bit) : ???? LCs -- d1 = (m*c) -- d1 = 0.99~1 -- d2 = (3-d1) -- d2 = 1~1.00 -- d3 = c*d2 -- d3 = 1~2 -- d = d4 -- -- ZM = d -- ZN = n -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_INIT : process( X ) begin if( X(19 downto 0) = "00000000000000000000" ) then M <= (others=>'0') ; N <= (others=>'0') ; else -- Generate M,N if( X(19 downto 1) = "0000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(0) & "0000000000000000000" ; N <= "00001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 2) = "000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(1 downto 0) & "000000000000000000" ; N <= "00010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 3) = "00000000000000000" ) then M <= X(2 downto 0) & "00000000000000000" ; N <= "00011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 4) = "0000000000000000" ) then M <= X(3 downto 0) & "0000000000000000" ; N <= "00100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 5) = "000000000000000" ) then M <= X(4 downto 0) & "000000000000000" ; N <= "00101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 6) = "00000000000000" ) then M <= X(5 downto 0) & "00000000000000" ; N <= "00110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 7) = "0000000000000" ) then M <= X(6 downto 0) & "0000000000000" ; N <= "00111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 8) = "000000000000" ) then M <= X(7 downto 0) & "000000000000" ; N <= "01000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 9) = "00000000000" ) then M <= X(8 downto 0) & "00000000000" ; N <= "01001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 10) = "0000000000" ) then M <= X(9 downto 0) & "0000000000" ; N <= "01010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 11) = "000000000" ) then M <= X(10 downto 0) & "000000000" ; N <= "01011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 12) = "00000000" ) then M <= X(11 downto 0) & "00000000" ; N <= "01100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 13) = "0000000" ) then M <= X(12 downto 0) & "0000000" ; N <= "01101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 14) = "000000" ) then M <= X(13 downto 0) & "000000" ; N <= "01110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 15) = "00000" ) then M <= X(14 downto 0) & "00000" ; N <= "01111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 16) = "0000" ) then M <= X(15 downto 0) & "0000" ; N <= "10000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 17) = "000" ) then M <= X(16 downto 0) & "000" ; N <= "10001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 18) = "00" ) then M <= X(17 downto 0) & "00" ; N <= "10010" ; elsif( X(19) = '0' ) then M <= X(18 downto 0) & '0' ; N <= "10011" ; else M <= X ; N <= "10100" ; end if ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 1st stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_1ST : process( M ) begin if( M = "00000000000000000000" ) then A <= (others=>'0') ; else -- A = 3-2*M A <= CONSA - ('0' & M(19 downto 11)) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 2nd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_1ND : process( M, A ) variable B1 : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- M(10bit)*A(10bit) XX.XX.... variable B2 : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- 2-B1(12bit) X.XX.... variable B3 : std_logic_vector(21 downto 0); -- A(10bit)*B2(12bit) XXX.XX.... begin if( A = "0000000000" ) then B <= (others=>'0') ; else B1 := M(19 downto 10) * A ; B2 := CONSX(30 downto 19) - B1(18 downto 7) ; B3 := B2 * A ; B <= B3(20 downto 5) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 3rd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_3RD : process( M, B ) variable C1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- M(16bit)*B(16bit) XX.XX... variable C2 : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- 2-C1(20bit) X.XX... variable C3 : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- B(16bit)*C2(20bit) XXX.XX... begin if( B = "0000000000000000" ) then C <= (others=>'0') ; else C1 := B * M(19 downto 4) ; C2 := CONSX(30 downto 11) - C1(30 downto 11) ; C3 := C2 * B ; C <= C3(34 downto 11) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 4th stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_4TH : process( M, C ) variable D1 : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0); -- M(20bit)*C(20bit) XX.XX... variable D2 : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- 2-D1(24bit) X.XX... variable D3 : std_logic_vector(43 downto 0); -- C(20bit)*D2(24bit) XXX.XX... begin if( C = "000000000000000000000000" ) then D <= (others=>'0') ; else D1 := C(23 downto 4) * M ; D2 := CONSX(30 downto 7) - D1(38 downto 15) ; D3 := D2 * C(23 downto 4) ; D <= D3(42 downto 19) ; end if ; end process ; ZN <= N ; --ZM <= A & "0000000000" ; --ZM <= B & "0000" ; ZM <= C(23 downto 4) ; --ZM <= D(23 downto 4) ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title Reverse X (1/X) -- // File REVX.vhd -- // Entity REVX -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 98/11/10 ueno Make Original -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module revx ( x, zn, zm ); input [19:0] x ; output [4:0] zn ; output [19:0] zm ; reg [19:0] revx_1nd__b1; reg [11:0] revx_1nd__b2; reg [21:0] revx_1nd__b3; reg [31:0] revx_3rd__c1; reg [19:0] revx_3rd__c2; reg [35:0] revx_3rd__c3; reg [39:0] revx_4th__d1; reg [23:0] revx_4th__d2; reg [43:0] revx_4th__d3; reg [9:0] a; parameter [9:0] consa=10'b1100000000; reg [15:0] b; reg [23:0] c; reg [23:0] d; parameter [31:0] consx=32'b10000000000000000000000000000000; reg [19:0] m; reg [4:0] n; wire [4:0] zn; wire [19:0] zm; always @ (x ) begin if ((x[19:0] === 20'b00000000000000000000)) begin m <= {(19-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; n <= {(4-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; end else begin if ((x[19:1] === 19'b0000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[0],19'b0000000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00001; end else if ((x[19:2] === 18'b000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[1:0],18'b000000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00010; end else if ((x[19:3] === 17'b00000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[2:0],17'b00000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00011; end else if ((x[19:4] === 16'b0000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[3:0],16'b0000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00100; end else if ((x[19:5] === 15'b000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[4:0],15'b000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00101; end else if ((x[19:6] === 14'b00000000000000)) begin m <= {x[5:0],14'b00000000000000}; n <= 5'b00110; end else if ((x[19:7] === 13'b0000000000000)) begin m <= {x[6:0],13'b0000000000000}; n <= 5'b00111; end else if ((x[19:8] === 12'b000000000000)) begin m <= {x[7:0],12'b000000000000}; n <= 5'b01000; end else if ((x[19:9] === 11'b00000000000)) begin m <= {x[8:0],11'b00000000000}; n <= 5'b01001; end else if ((x[19:10] === 10'b0000000000)) begin m <= {x[9:0],10'b0000000000}; n <= 5'b01010; end else if ((x[19:11] === 9'b000000000)) begin m <= {x[10:0],9'b000000000}; n <= 5'b01011; end else if ((x[19:12] === 8'b00000000)) begin m <= {x[11:0],8'b00000000}; n <= 5'b01100; end else if ((x[19:13] === 7'b0000000)) begin m <= {x[12:0],7'b0000000}; n <= 5'b01101; end else if ((x[19:14] === 6'b000000)) begin m <= {x[13:0],6'b000000}; n <= 5'b01110; end else if ((x[19:15] === 5'b00000)) begin m <= {x[14:0],5'b00000}; n <= 5'b01111; end else if ((x[19:16] === 4'b0000)) begin m <= {x[15:0],4'b0000}; n <= 5'b10000; end else if ((x[19:17] === 3'b000)) begin m <= {x[16:0],3'b000}; n <= 5'b10001; end else if ((x[19:18] === 2'b00)) begin m <= {x[17:0],2'b00}; n <= 5'b10010; end else if ((x[19] === 1'b0)) begin m <= {x[18:0],1'b0}; n <= 5'b10011; end else begin m <= x; n <= 5'b10100; end end end //always always @ (m ) begin if ((m === 20'b00000000000000000000)) a <= {(9-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else a <= (consa - {1'b0,m[19:11]}); end //always always @ (m or a ) begin if ((a === 10'b0000000000)) b <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin revx_1nd__b1 = (m[19:10] * a); revx_1nd__b2 = (consx[30:19] - revx_1nd__b1[18:7]); revx_1nd__b3 = (revx_1nd__b2 * a); b <= revx_1nd__b3[20:5]; end end //always always @ (m or b ) begin if ((b === 16'b0000000000000000)) c <= {(23-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin revx_3rd__c1 = (b * m[19:4]); revx_3rd__c2 = (consx[30:11] - revx_3rd__c1[30:11]); revx_3rd__c3 = (revx_3rd__c2 * b); c <= revx_3rd__c3[34:11]; end end //always always @ (m or c ) begin if ((c === 24'b000000000000000000000000)) d <= {(23-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin revx_4th__d1 = (c[23:4] * m); revx_4th__d2 = (consx[30:7] - revx_4th__d1[38:15]); revx_4th__d3 = (revx_4th__d2 * c[23:4]); d <= revx_4th__d3[42:19]; end end //always assign {zn}=n; assign {zm}=c[23:4]; endmodule |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title Reverse X (1/X) -- -- File REVX.vhd -- -- Entity REVX -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 98/11/10 ueno Make Original -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity REVX is port( X : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Input(20bit) ZN : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) ; -- Exp(5bit) ZM : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) -- Man(20bit) ); end REVX ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of REVX is -- -- 1st stages -- 10bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXX signal A : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) ; -- constant CONSA : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) := "1100000000" ; -- 3 -- -- 2nd stages -- 16bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal B : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- -- -- 3rd stages -- 24bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal C : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) ; -- -- -- 4th stages -- 24bit calc -- XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal D : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0) ; -- -- -- Constant Value constant CONSX : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "10000000000000000000000000000000" ; -- 2.0 -- -- -- 0.XXXXXXXX signal M : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Mantissa signal N : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) ; -- Expornent begin -------------------------------- -- Reverse X Argolizm (X>0) -- -- X = m x 2^n (m = 0.5~0.999999) -- Z = 1/X = 1/m x 2^-n -- | | -- ZM ZN -- --1st stage (3bit) -- a = (3-2*m) -- a = 1~2 (3.00bit) -- a = (723-482*m)/256 -- a = 1~2 (4.08bit) -- --2nd stage (6bit) : xxxx LCs -- b1 = (m*a) -- b1 = 1~1.125 -- b2 = (2-b1) -- b2 = 0.875~1 -- b3 = a*b2 -- b3 = 1~2 -- b = b3 -- --3nd stage (12bit) : xxxx LCs -- c1 = (m*b) -- c1 = 0.98~1 -- c2 = (2-c1) -- c2 = 1~1.01 -- c3 = b*c2 -- c3 = 1~2 -- c = c4 -- --4th stage (24bit) : ???? LCs -- d1 = (m*c) -- d1 = 0.99~1 -- d2 = (3-d1) -- d2 = 1~1.00 -- d3 = c*d2 -- d3 = 1~2 -- d = d4 -- -- ZM = d -- ZN = n -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_INIT : process( X ) begin if( X(19 downto 0) = "00000000000000000000" ) then M <= (others=>'0') ; N <= (others=>'0') ; else -- Generate M,N if( X(19 downto 1) = "0000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(0) & "0000000000000000000" ; N <= "00001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 2) = "000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(1 downto 0) & "000000000000000000" ; N <= "00010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 3) = "00000000000000000" ) then M <= X(2 downto 0) & "00000000000000000" ; N <= "00011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 4) = "0000000000000000" ) then M <= X(3 downto 0) & "0000000000000000" ; N <= "00100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 5) = "000000000000000" ) then M <= X(4 downto 0) & "000000000000000" ; N <= "00101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 6) = "00000000000000" ) then M <= X(5 downto 0) & "00000000000000" ; N <= "00110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 7) = "0000000000000" ) then M <= X(6 downto 0) & "0000000000000" ; N <= "00111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 8) = "000000000000" ) then M <= X(7 downto 0) & "000000000000" ; N <= "01000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 9) = "00000000000" ) then M <= X(8 downto 0) & "00000000000" ; N <= "01001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 10) = "0000000000" ) then M <= X(9 downto 0) & "0000000000" ; N <= "01010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 11) = "000000000" ) then M <= X(10 downto 0) & "000000000" ; N <= "01011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 12) = "00000000" ) then M <= X(11 downto 0) & "00000000" ; N <= "01100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 13) = "0000000" ) then M <= X(12 downto 0) & "0000000" ; N <= "01101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 14) = "000000" ) then M <= X(13 downto 0) & "000000" ; N <= "01110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 15) = "00000" ) then M <= X(14 downto 0) & "00000" ; N <= "01111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 16) = "0000" ) then M <= X(15 downto 0) & "0000" ; N <= "10000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 17) = "000" ) then M <= X(16 downto 0) & "000" ; N <= "10001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 18) = "00" ) then M <= X(17 downto 0) & "00" ; N <= "10010" ; elsif( X(19) = '0' ) then M <= X(18 downto 0) & '0' ; N <= "10011" ; else M <= X ; N <= "10100" ; end if ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 1st stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_1ST : process( M ) begin if( M = "00000000000000000000" ) then A <= (others=>'0') ; else -- A = 3-2*M A <= CONSA - ('0' & M(19 downto 11)) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 2nd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_1ND : process( M, A ) variable B1 : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- M(10bit)*A(10bit) XX.XX.... variable B2 : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); -- 2-B1(12bit) X.XX.... variable B3 : std_logic_vector(21 downto 0); -- A(10bit)*B2(12bit) XXX.XX.... begin if( A = "0000000000" ) then B <= (others=>'0') ; else B1 := M(19 downto 10) * A ; B2 := CONSX(30 downto 19) - B1(18 downto 7) ; B3 := B2 * A ; B <= B3(20 downto 5) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 3rd stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_3RD : process( M, B ) variable C1 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- M(16bit)*B(16bit) XX.XX... variable C2 : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- 2-C1(20bit) X.XX... variable C3 : std_logic_vector(35 downto 0); -- B(16bit)*C2(20bit) XXX.XX... begin if( B = "0000000000000000" ) then C <= (others=>'0') ; else C1 := B * M(19 downto 4) ; C2 := CONSX(30 downto 11) - C1(30 downto 11) ; C3 := C2 * B ; C <= C3(34 downto 11) ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- 4th stage -- ----------------------------------------------------------- REVX_4TH : process( M, C ) variable D1 : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0); -- M(20bit)*C(20bit) XX.XX... variable D2 : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); -- 2-D1(24bit) X.XX... variable D3 : std_logic_vector(43 downto 0); -- C(20bit)*D2(24bit) XXX.XX... begin if( C = "000000000000000000000000" ) then D <= (others=>'0') ; else D1 := C(23 downto 4) * M ; D2 := CONSX(30 downto 7) - D1(38 downto 15) ; D3 := D2 * C(23 downto 4) ; D <= D3(42 downto 19) ; end if ; end process ; ZN <= N ; --ZM <= A & "0000000000" ; --ZM <= B & "0000" ; --ZM <= C(23 downto 4) ; ZM <= D(23 downto 4) ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title Reverse X (1/X) -- // File REVX.vhd -- // Entity REVX -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 98/11/10 ueno Make Original -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module revx ( x, zn, zm ); input [19:0] x ; output [4:0] zn ; output [19:0] zm ; reg [19:0] revx_1nd__b1; reg [11:0] revx_1nd__b2; reg [21:0] revx_1nd__b3; reg [31:0] revx_3rd__c1; reg [19:0] revx_3rd__c2; reg [35:0] revx_3rd__c3; reg [39:0] revx_4th__d1; reg [23:0] revx_4th__d2; reg [43:0] revx_4th__d3; reg [9:0] a; parameter [9:0] consa=10'b1100000000; reg [15:0] b; reg [23:0] c; reg [23:0] d; parameter [31:0] consx=32'b10000000000000000000000000000000; reg [19:0] m; reg [4:0] n; wire [4:0] zn; wire [19:0] zm; always @ (x ) begin if ((x[19:0] === 20'b00000000000000000000)) begin m <= {(19-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; n <= {(4-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; end else begin if ((x[19:1] === 19'b0000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[0],19'b0000000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00001; end else if ((x[19:2] === 18'b000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[1:0],18'b000000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00010; end else if ((x[19:3] === 17'b00000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[2:0],17'b00000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00011; end else if ((x[19:4] === 16'b0000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[3:0],16'b0000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00100; end else if ((x[19:5] === 15'b000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[4:0],15'b000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00101; end else if ((x[19:6] === 14'b00000000000000)) begin m <= {x[5:0],14'b00000000000000}; n <= 5'b00110; end else if ((x[19:7] === 13'b0000000000000)) begin m <= {x[6:0],13'b0000000000000}; n <= 5'b00111; end else if ((x[19:8] === 12'b000000000000)) begin m <= {x[7:0],12'b000000000000}; n <= 5'b01000; end else if ((x[19:9] === 11'b00000000000)) begin m <= {x[8:0],11'b00000000000}; n <= 5'b01001; end else if ((x[19:10] === 10'b0000000000)) begin m <= {x[9:0],10'b0000000000}; n <= 5'b01010; end else if ((x[19:11] === 9'b000000000)) begin m <= {x[10:0],9'b000000000}; n <= 5'b01011; end else if ((x[19:12] === 8'b00000000)) begin m <= {x[11:0],8'b00000000}; n <= 5'b01100; end else if ((x[19:13] === 7'b0000000)) begin m <= {x[12:0],7'b0000000}; n <= 5'b01101; end else if ((x[19:14] === 6'b000000)) begin m <= {x[13:0],6'b000000}; n <= 5'b01110; end else if ((x[19:15] === 5'b00000)) begin m <= {x[14:0],5'b00000}; n <= 5'b01111; end else if ((x[19:16] === 4'b0000)) begin m <= {x[15:0],4'b0000}; n <= 5'b10000; end else if ((x[19:17] === 3'b000)) begin m <= {x[16:0],3'b000}; n <= 5'b10001; end else if ((x[19:18] === 2'b00)) begin m <= {x[17:0],2'b00}; n <= 5'b10010; end else if ((x[19] === 1'b0)) begin m <= {x[18:0],1'b0}; n <= 5'b10011; end else begin m <= x; n <= 5'b10100; end end end //always always @ (m ) begin if ((m === 20'b00000000000000000000)) a <= {(9-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else a <= (consa - {1'b0,m[19:11]}); end //always always @ (m or a ) begin if ((a === 10'b0000000000)) b <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin revx_1nd__b1 = (m[19:10] * a); revx_1nd__b2 = (consx[30:19] - revx_1nd__b1[18:7]); revx_1nd__b3 = (revx_1nd__b2 * a); b <= revx_1nd__b3[20:5]; end end //always always @ (m or b ) begin if ((b === 16'b0000000000000000)) c <= {(23-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin revx_3rd__c1 = (b * m[19:4]); revx_3rd__c2 = (consx[30:11] - revx_3rd__c1[30:11]); revx_3rd__c3 = (revx_3rd__c2 * b); c <= revx_3rd__c3[34:11]; end end //always always @ (m or c ) begin if ((c === 24'b000000000000000000000000)) d <= {(23-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin revx_4th__d1 = (c[23:4] * m); revx_4th__d2 = (consx[30:7] - revx_4th__d1[38:15]); revx_4th__d3 = (revx_4th__d2 * c[23:4]); d <= revx_4th__d3[42:19]; end end //always assign {zn}=n; assign {zm}=d[23:4]; endmodule |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title Logalizm X (log(X)) -- -- File LOG.vhd -- -- Entity LOG -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 98/11/17 ueno Make Original -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all ; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity LOG is port( -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Integer Value X : in std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Input(20bit) -- XXXX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Fixed Point Value Z : out std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) -- Output(20bit) ); end LOG ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of LOG is -- log(2) -- .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX constant LOG2V : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "1011000101110010" ; -- 1/2 = shift1 -- 1/3 constant CONS3 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0101010101010101" ; -- 4bit -- 1/4 = shift2 -- 1/5 -- 1/6 = 1/3&shift -- 1/7 constant CONS5 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0011001100110011" ; -- 7bit constant CONS7 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0010010010010010" ; -- 9bit -- 1/8 = shift3 -- 1/9 -- 1/10 = 1/5&shift -- 1/11 -- 1/12 = 1/3&shift2 -- 1/13 -- 1/14 = 1/7&shift2 -- 1/15 constant CONS9 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0001110001110001" ; -- 11bit constant CONS11 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0001011101000101" ; -- 14bit constant CONS13 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0001001110110001" ; -- 16bit constant CONS15 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0001000100010001" ; -- 18bit -- -- .XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX signal Y : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Log( M ) -- signal F : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) ; -- N*log(2) signal G : std_logic_vector(20 downto 0) ; -- temp Z -- -- 0.XXXXXXXX signal M : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0) ; -- Mantissa signal N : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) ; -- Expornent begin -------------------------------- -- Reverse X Argolizm (X>0) -- -- X = m x 2^n (m = 0.5~0.999999) -- m = 1-h -- Z = log(2)*n+log(m) -- log(2)*n-(h+h^2/2+h^3/3+h^4/4+ ....) -- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialize -- ----------------------------------------------------------- FLOT_INIT : process( X ) begin if( X(19 downto 0) = "00000000000000000000" ) then M <= (others=>'0') ; N <= (others=>'0') ; else -- Generate M,N if( X(19 downto 1) = "0000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(0) & "0000000000000000000" ; N <= "00001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 2) = "000000000000000000" ) then M <= X(1 downto 0) & "000000000000000000" ; N <= "00010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 3) = "00000000000000000" ) then M <= X(2 downto 0) & "00000000000000000" ; N <= "00011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 4) = "0000000000000000" ) then M <= X(3 downto 0) & "0000000000000000" ; N <= "00100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 5) = "000000000000000" ) then M <= X(4 downto 0) & "000000000000000" ; N <= "00101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 6) = "00000000000000" ) then M <= X(5 downto 0) & "00000000000000" ; N <= "00110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 7) = "0000000000000" ) then M <= X(6 downto 0) & "0000000000000" ; N <= "00111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 8) = "000000000000" ) then M <= X(7 downto 0) & "000000000000" ; N <= "01000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 9) = "00000000000" ) then M <= X(8 downto 0) & "00000000000" ; N <= "01001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 10) = "0000000000" ) then M <= X(9 downto 0) & "0000000000" ; N <= "01010" ; elsif( X(19 downto 11) = "000000000" ) then M <= X(10 downto 0) & "000000000" ; N <= "01011" ; elsif( X(19 downto 12) = "00000000" ) then M <= X(11 downto 0) & "00000000" ; N <= "01100" ; elsif( X(19 downto 13) = "0000000" ) then M <= X(12 downto 0) & "0000000" ; N <= "01101" ; elsif( X(19 downto 14) = "000000" ) then M <= X(13 downto 0) & "000000" ; N <= "01110" ; elsif( X(19 downto 15) = "00000" ) then M <= X(14 downto 0) & "00000" ; N <= "01111" ; elsif( X(19 downto 16) = "0000" ) then M <= X(15 downto 0) & "0000" ; N <= "10000" ; elsif( X(19 downto 17) = "000" ) then M <= X(16 downto 0) & "000" ; N <= "10001" ; elsif( X(19 downto 18) = "00" ) then M <= X(17 downto 0) & "00" ; N <= "10010" ; elsif( X(19) = '0' ) then M <= X(18 downto 0) & '0' ; N <= "10011" ; else M <= X ; N <= "10100" ; end if ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- logalizm calculate -- ----------------------------------------------------------- LOG_CONV : process( M ) variable TMP : std_logic_vector(19 downto 0); -- 1-m variable H : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- 1-m variable B1 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- H variable B2 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- H^2 variable B3 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- H^3 variable B4 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- H^4 variable B5 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B6 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B7 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B8 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B9 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B10 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B11 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B12 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable B13 : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); -- variable C1 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- H variable C2 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- H^2 variable C3 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- H^3 variable C4 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- H^4 variable C5 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C6 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C7 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C8 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C9 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C10 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C11 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C12 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable C13 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- variable D : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- begin if( M = "00000000000000000000" ) then Y <= (others=>'0') ; else -- TMP = -M TMP := "00000000000000000000" - M ; H := TMP(19 downto 4) ; -- BEKI B1 := H ; B2 := H*H ; B3 := B2(31 downto 16)*H ; B4 := B2(31 downto 16)*B2(31 downto 16) ; B5 := B4(31 downto 16)*H ; B6 := B4(31 downto 16)*B2(31 downto 16) ; B7 := B4(31 downto 16)*B3(31 downto 16) ; B8 := B4(31 downto 16)*B4(31 downto 16) ; B9 := B8(31 downto 16)*H ; B10 := B8(31 downto 16)*B2(31 downto 16) ; B11 := B8(31 downto 16)*B3(31 downto 16) ; B12 := B8(31 downto 16)*B4(31 downto 16) ; B13 := B8(31 downto 16)*B5(31 downto 16) ; -- KEISU C1 := B1 ; C2 := '0' & B2(31 downto 17) ; B3 := B3(31 downto 16)*CONS3 ; C3 := B3(31 downto 16) ; C4 := "00" & B4(31 downto 18) ; B5 := B5(31 downto 16)*CONS5 ; C5 := B5(31 downto 16) ; B6 := B6(31 downto 16)*CONS3 ; C6 := '0' & B6(31 downto 17) ; B7 := B7(31 downto 16)*CONS7 ; C7 := B7(31 downto 16) ; C8 := "000" & B8(31 downto 19) ; B9 := B9(31 downto 16)*CONS9 ; C9 := B9(31 downto 16) ; B10 := B10(31 downto 16)*CONS5 ; C10 := '0' & B10(31 downto 17) ; B11 := B11(31 downto 16)*CONS11 ; C11 := B11(31 downto 16) ; B12 := B12(31 downto 16)*CONS3 ; C12 := "00" & B12(31 downto 18) ; B13 := B13(31 downto 16)*CONS13 ; C13 := B13(31 downto 16) ; -- KASAN D := C1+C2+C3+C4+C5+C6+C7+C8+C9+C10+C11+C12+C13 ; -- KEKKA Y <= D ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- output calculate -- ----------------------------------------------------------- --Feb.14.2005 TAK OUTPUT_CALC : process( M,G) -- N, Y ) begin if( M = "00000000000000000000" ) then Z <= (others=>'0') ; else -- F <= N * LOG2V ; -- G <= F - ("00000" & Y) ; Z <= G(19 downto 0) ; end if ; end process ; F <= N * LOG2V ; G <= F - ("00000" & Y) ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title Logalizm X (log(X)) -- // File LOG.vhd -- // Entity LOG -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 98/11/17 ueno Make Original -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module log ( x, z ); input [19:0] x ; output [19:0] z ; reg [19:0] log_conv__tmp; reg [15:0] log_conv__h; reg [15:0] log_conv__b1; reg [31:0] log_conv__b2; reg [31:0] log_conv__b3; reg [31:0] log_conv__b4; reg [31:0] log_conv__b5; reg [31:0] log_conv__b6; reg [31:0] log_conv__b7; reg [31:0] log_conv__b8; reg [31:0] log_conv__b9; reg [31:0] log_conv__b10; reg [31:0] log_conv__b11; reg [31:0] log_conv__b12; reg [31:0] log_conv__b13; reg [15:0] log_conv__c1; reg [15:0] log_conv__c2; reg [15:0] log_conv__c3; reg [15:0] log_conv__c4; reg [15:0] log_conv__c5; reg [15:0] log_conv__c6; reg [15:0] log_conv__c7; reg [15:0] log_conv__c8; reg [15:0] log_conv__c9; reg [15:0] log_conv__c10; reg [15:0] log_conv__c11; reg [15:0] log_conv__c12; reg [15:0] log_conv__c13; reg [15:0] log_conv__d; parameter [15:0] log2v=16'b1011000101110010; parameter [15:0] cons3=16'b0101010101010101; parameter [15:0] cons5=16'b0011001100110011; parameter [15:0] cons7=16'b0010010010010010; parameter [15:0] cons9=16'b0001110001110001; parameter [15:0] cons11=16'b0001011101000101; parameter [15:0] cons13=16'b0001001110110001; parameter [15:0] cons15=16'b0001000100010001; reg [15:0] y; wire [20:0] f; wire [20:0] g; reg [19:0] m; reg [4:0] n; reg [19:0] z; always @ (x ) begin if ((x[19:0] === 20'b00000000000000000000)) begin m <= {(19-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; n <= {(4-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; end else begin if ((x[19:1] === 19'b0000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[0],19'b0000000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00001; end else if ((x[19:2] === 18'b000000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[1:0],18'b000000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00010; end else if ((x[19:3] === 17'b00000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[2:0],17'b00000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00011; end else if ((x[19:4] === 16'b0000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[3:0],16'b0000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00100; end else if ((x[19:5] === 15'b000000000000000)) begin m <= {x[4:0],15'b000000000000000}; n <= 5'b00101; end else if ((x[19:6] === 14'b00000000000000)) begin m <= {x[5:0],14'b00000000000000}; n <= 5'b00110; end else if ((x[19:7] === 13'b0000000000000)) begin m <= {x[6:0],13'b0000000000000}; n <= 5'b00111; end else if ((x[19:8] === 12'b000000000000)) begin m <= {x[7:0],12'b000000000000}; n <= 5'b01000; end else if ((x[19:9] === 11'b00000000000)) begin m <= {x[8:0],11'b00000000000}; n <= 5'b01001; end else if ((x[19:10] === 10'b0000000000)) begin m <= {x[9:0],10'b0000000000}; n <= 5'b01010; end else if ((x[19:11] === 9'b000000000)) begin m <= {x[10:0],9'b000000000}; n <= 5'b01011; end else if ((x[19:12] === 8'b00000000)) begin m <= {x[11:0],8'b00000000}; n <= 5'b01100; end else if ((x[19:13] === 7'b0000000)) begin m <= {x[12:0],7'b0000000}; n <= 5'b01101; end else if ((x[19:14] === 6'b000000)) begin m <= {x[13:0],6'b000000}; n <= 5'b01110; end else if ((x[19:15] === 5'b00000)) begin m <= {x[14:0],5'b00000}; n <= 5'b01111; end else if ((x[19:16] === 4'b0000)) begin m <= {x[15:0],4'b0000}; n <= 5'b10000; end else if ((x[19:17] === 3'b000)) begin m <= {x[16:0],3'b000}; n <= 5'b10001; end else if ((x[19:18] === 2'b00)) begin m <= {x[17:0],2'b00}; n <= 5'b10010; end else if ((x[19] === 1'b0)) begin m <= {x[18:0],1'b0}; n <= 5'b10011; end else begin m <= x; n <= 5'b10100; end end end //always always @ (m ) begin if ((m === 20'b00000000000000000000)) y <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin log_conv__tmp = (20'b00000000000000000000 - m); log_conv__h = log_conv__tmp[19:4]; log_conv__b1 = log_conv__h; log_conv__b2 = (log_conv__h * log_conv__h); log_conv__b3 = (log_conv__b2[31:16] * log_conv__h); log_conv__b4 = (log_conv__b2[31:16] * log_conv__b2[31:16]); log_conv__b5 = (log_conv__b4[31:16] * log_conv__h); log_conv__b6 = (log_conv__b4[31:16] * log_conv__b2[31:16]); log_conv__b7 = (log_conv__b4[31:16] * log_conv__b3[31:16]); log_conv__b8 = (log_conv__b4[31:16] * log_conv__b4[31:16]); log_conv__b9 = (log_conv__b8[31:16] * log_conv__h); log_conv__b10 = (log_conv__b8[31:16] * log_conv__b2[31:16]); log_conv__b11 = (log_conv__b8[31:16] * log_conv__b3[31:16]); log_conv__b12 = (log_conv__b8[31:16] * log_conv__b4[31:16]); log_conv__b13 = (log_conv__b8[31:16] * log_conv__b5[31:16]); log_conv__c1 = log_conv__b1; log_conv__c2 = {1'b0,log_conv__b2[31:17]}; log_conv__b3 = (log_conv__b3[31:16] * cons3); log_conv__c3 = log_conv__b3[31:16]; log_conv__c4 = {2'b00,log_conv__b4[31:18]}; log_conv__b5 = (log_conv__b5[31:16] * cons5); log_conv__c5 = log_conv__b5[31:16]; log_conv__b6 = (log_conv__b6[31:16] * cons3); log_conv__c6 = {1'b0,log_conv__b6[31:17]}; log_conv__b7 = (log_conv__b7[31:16] * cons7); log_conv__c7 = log_conv__b7[31:16]; log_conv__c8 = {3'b000,log_conv__b8[31:19]}; log_conv__b9 = (log_conv__b9[31:16] * cons9); log_conv__c9 = log_conv__b9[31:16]; log_conv__b10 = (log_conv__b10[31:16] * cons5); log_conv__c10 = {1'b0,log_conv__b10[31:17]}; log_conv__b11 = (log_conv__b11[31:16] * cons11); log_conv__c11 = log_conv__b11[31:16]; log_conv__b12 = (log_conv__b12[31:16] * cons3); log_conv__c12 = {2'b00,log_conv__b12[31:18]}; log_conv__b13 = (log_conv__b13[31:16] * cons13); log_conv__c13 = log_conv__b13[31:16]; log_conv__d = ((((((((((((log_conv__c1 + log_conv__c2) + log_conv__c3) + log_conv__c4) + log_conv__c5) + log_conv__c6) + log_conv__c7) + log_conv__c8) + log_conv__c9) + log_conv__c10) + log_conv__c11) + log_conv__c12) + log_conv__c13); y <= log_conv__d; end end //always always @ (m or g ) begin if ((m === 20'b00000000000000000000)) z <= {(19-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else z <= g[19:0]; end //always assign {f}=(n * log2v); assign {g}=(f - {5'b00000,y}); endmodule |
//Feb.13.2005 //Feb.15.2005 //Tak.Sugawara module cordic_bench_test; parameter cos_sin_mode=1'b0,atan_mode=1'b1; parameter integer bit_precision=10;//11 fails parameter integer atan_precision=11;//12 fails parameter integer precision=bit_precision;// parameter real allowable_error=1.0/(2**precision); parameter real allowable_error_atan=1.0/(2**atan_precision); parameter integer scale_power=14;//bit parameter integer scale=2**scale_power;//16384 parameter real max_test_angle_degree=91;//max of 100 degree reg [15:0] in_x=0 ; reg [15:0] in_y=0 ; reg signed [15:0] in_angle=0 ; reg in_start=0; reg in_mode=cos_sin_mode; reg clk=0; reg enable=0; reg xrst=0; wire out_finish; wire signed [15:0] out_x ; wire signed [15:0] out_y ; wire signed [15:0] out_z ; // real in_angle_r; real max_in_angle_r;// real hard_sin,hard_cos;// real max_angle_r; real h_sin_limit,l_sin_limit; real h_cos_limit,l_cos_limit; integer i; real work,work1; real x_r,y_r,hard_z,angle_z; always #10 clk=~clk; cordic dut ( in_x, in_y, in_angle, in_start, in_mode, clk, enable, xrst, out_finish, out_x, out_y, out_z ); initial begin //sin/cos test //test 0->90degree repeat(2) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk); xrst=1; in_start=1; enable=1; begin :for_loop1 for (i=0; 1;i=i+1) begin in_angle=i; @(negedge clk) in_start=0; repeat(3) @(negedge clk); wait (out_finish);//wait hardware calculation in_angle_r=$itor(in_angle)/$itor(scale); hard_sin=$itor(out_y)/$itor(scale); hard_cos=$itor(out_x)/$itor(scale); work=$sin(in_angle_r); work1=allowable_error; h_sin_limit=$sin(in_angle_r)+allowable_error;//evaluate as output-bit-precision l_sin_limit=$sin(in_angle_r)-allowable_error; h_cos_limit=$cos(in_angle_r)+allowable_error; l_cos_limit=$cos(in_angle_r)-allowable_error; if (h_sin_limit < hard_sin)begin $display("sin max error detected %g %g",h_sin_limit,hard_sin); $stop; end if (l_sin_limit > hard_sin) begin $display("sin min error detected %g %g",l_sin_limit,hard_sin); end if (h_cos_limit < hard_cos)begin $display("cos max error detected %g %g",h_cos_limit,hard_sin); $stop; end if (l_cos_limit > hard_cos) begin $display("cos min error detected %g %g",l_cos_limit,hard_sin); end if (i%1000==0) $display("i=%d in_angle_r=%g sin=%g hadware_result=%g",i,in_angle_r,$sin(in_angle_r),hard_sin); max_angle_r=max_test_angle_degree/180.*$M_PI; if (max_angle_r < in_angle_r) disable for_loop1;//exit test loop @(negedge clk) in_start=1; end end //for loop //test 0->-90degree @(negedge clk); in_start=1; enable=1; begin :for_loop2 for (i=0; 1;i=i+1) begin in_angle=-i; @(negedge clk) in_start=0; repeat(3) @(negedge clk); wait (out_finish);//wait hardware calculation in_angle_r=$itor(in_angle)/$itor(scale); hard_sin=$itor(out_y)/$itor(scale); hard_cos=$itor(out_x)/$itor(scale); work=$sin(in_angle_r); work1=allowable_error; h_sin_limit=$sin(in_angle_r)+allowable_error;//evaluate as output-bit-precision l_sin_limit=$sin(in_angle_r)-allowable_error; h_cos_limit=$cos(in_angle_r)+allowable_error; l_cos_limit=$cos(in_angle_r)-allowable_error; if (h_sin_limit < hard_sin)begin $display("sin max error detected %g %g",h_sin_limit,hard_sin); $stop; end if (l_sin_limit > hard_sin) begin $display("sin min error detected %g %g",l_sin_limit,hard_sin); end if (h_cos_limit < hard_cos)begin $display("cos max error detected %g %g",h_cos_limit,hard_sin); $stop; end if (l_cos_limit > hard_cos) begin $display("cos min error detected %g %g",l_cos_limit,hard_sin); end if (i%1000==0) $display("i=%d in_angle_r=%g sin=%g hadware_result=%g",i,in_angle_r,$sin(in_angle_r),hard_sin); max_angle_r=max_test_angle_degree/180.*$M_PI; if (-max_angle_r > in_angle_r) disable for_loop2;//exit test loop @(negedge clk) in_start=1; end end //for loop $display("Cordic sin/cos test passed"); //atan (y/x) //test scheme // 1>=x>0 assuming x**2+y**2=1 y=sqrt(1-xx*2); // xrst=0; repeat(2) @(negedge clk); @(negedge clk); in_start=1; enable=1; xrst=1; in_mode=atan_mode; for (i=0;i<= scale;i=i+1) begin in_x=i;//Start, with given in_x and in_y x_r=$itor(i)/scale; work=1.0-x_r**2; y_r=$sqrt(work); work1=y_r*scale; in_y=$rtoi(work1); @(negedge clk) in_start=0;//deassert _instart repeat(3) @(negedge clk); wait (out_finish);//wait hardware calculation @(negedge clk); hard_z=$itor(out_z)/scale;//get hardware result. if (i==0) angle_z=$M_PI/2.0; else if (i==scale) angle_z=0.0; else angle_z=$atan(y_r/x_r); if (hard_z > angle_z+allowable_error_atan) begin $display("Error Detected atan max"); $stop;//assert(0); end if (hard_z < angle_z-allowable_error_atan) begin $display("Error Detected atan min"); $stop;//assert(0); end @(negedge clk) in_start=1; end $display("atan(y/x) test passed"); $finish; end endmodule |
i= 0 in_angle_r=0 sin=0 hadware_result=0.000244141 i= 1000 in_angle_r=0.0610352 sin=0.0609973 hadware_result=0.0609131 i= 2000 in_angle_r=0.12207 sin=0.121767 hadware_result=0.121948 i= 3000 in_angle_r=0.183105 sin=0.182084 hadware_result=0.18219 i= 4000 in_angle_r=0.244141 sin=0.241723 hadware_result=0.241943 i= 5000 in_angle_r=0.305176 sin=0.300461 hadware_result=0.300415 i= 6000 in_angle_r=0.366211 sin=0.35808 hadware_result=0.357971 i= 7000 in_angle_r=0.427246 sin=0.414366 hadware_result=0.414246 i= 8000 in_angle_r=0.488281 sin=0.469109 hadware_result=0.469177 i= 9000 in_angle_r=0.549316 sin=0.522104 hadware_result=0.521973 i= 10000 in_angle_r=0.610352 sin=0.573156 hadware_result=0.573181 i= 11000 in_angle_r=0.671387 sin=0.622072 hadware_result=0.622009 i= 12000 in_angle_r=0.732422 sin=0.668672 hadware_result=0.668701 i= 13000 in_angle_r=0.793457 sin=0.712782 hadware_result=0.712769 i= 14000 in_angle_r=0.854492 sin=0.754238 hadware_result=0.754395 i= 15000 in_angle_r=0.915527 sin=0.792884 hadware_result=0.79303 i= 16000 in_angle_r=0.976563 sin=0.828578 hadware_result=0.828491 i= 17000 in_angle_r=1.0376 sin=0.861186 hadware_result=0.861328 i= 18000 in_angle_r=1.09863 sin=0.890586 hadware_result=0.890686 i= 19000 in_angle_r=1.15967 sin=0.91667 hadware_result=0.91687 i= 20000 in_angle_r=1.2207 sin=0.939341 hadware_result=0.93927 i= 21000 in_angle_r=1.28174 sin=0.958513 hadware_result=0.958435 i= 22000 in_angle_r=1.34277 sin=0.974115 hadware_result=0.974121 i= 23000 in_angle_r=1.40381 sin=0.98609 hadware_result=0.986145 i= 24000 in_angle_r=1.46484 sin=0.994392 hadware_result=0.994324 i= 25000 in_angle_r=1.52588 sin=0.998991 hadware_result=0.999023 i= 26000 in_angle_r=1.58691 sin=0.99987 hadware_result=0.999573 i= 0 in_angle_r=0 sin=0 hadware_result=0.000244141 i= 1000 in_angle_r=-0.0610352 sin=-0.0609973 hadware_result=-0.0606689 i= 2000 in_angle_r=-0.12207 sin=-0.121767 hadware_result=-0.121582 i= 3000 in_angle_r=-0.183105 sin=-0.182084 hadware_result=-0.181946 i= 4000 in_angle_r=-0.244141 sin=-0.241723 hadware_result=-0.241943 i= 5000 in_angle_r=-0.305176 sin=-0.300461 hadware_result=-0.300415 i= 6000 in_angle_r=-0.366211 sin=-0.35808 hadware_result=-0.358032 i= 7000 in_angle_r=-0.427246 sin=-0.414366 hadware_result=-0.414307 i= 8000 in_angle_r=-0.488281 sin=-0.469109 hadware_result=-0.468872 i= 9000 in_angle_r=-0.549316 sin=-0.522104 hadware_result=-0.52179 i= 10000 in_angle_r=-0.610352 sin=-0.573156 hadware_result=-0.573181 i= 11000 in_angle_r=-0.671387 sin=-0.622072 hadware_result=-0.622009 i= 12000 in_angle_r=-0.732422 sin=-0.668672 hadware_result=-0.668701 i= 13000 in_angle_r=-0.793457 sin=-0.712782 hadware_result=-0.712769 i= 14000 in_angle_r=-0.854492 sin=-0.754238 hadware_result=-0.754395 i= 15000 in_angle_r=-0.915527 sin=-0.792884 hadware_result=-0.792908 i= 16000 in_angle_r=-0.976563 sin=-0.828578 hadware_result=-0.828369 i= 17000 in_angle_r=-1.0376 sin=-0.861186 hadware_result=-0.861206 i= 18000 in_angle_r=-1.09863 sin=-0.890586 hadware_result=-0.890564 i= 19000 in_angle_r=-1.15967 sin=-0.91667 hadware_result=-0.91687 i= 20000 in_angle_r=-1.2207 sin=-0.939341 hadware_result=-0.93927 i= 21000 in_angle_r=-1.28174 sin=-0.958513 hadware_result=-0.958435 i= 22000 in_angle_r=-1.34277 sin=-0.974115 hadware_result=-0.974121 i= 23000 in_angle_r=-1.40381 sin=-0.98609 hadware_result=-0.986023 i= 24000 in_angle_r=-1.46484 sin=-0.994392 hadware_result=-0.994324 i= 25000 in_angle_r=-1.52588 sin=-0.998991 hadware_result=-0.999023 i= 26000 in_angle_r=-1.58691 sin=-0.99987 hadware_result=-0.999451 Cordic sin/cos test passed atan(y/x) test passed |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Title CORDIC calculater sin(x), cos(x), atan(y/x) -- -- File CORDIC.vhd -- -- Entity CORDIC -- -- rev date coded contents -- -- 001 99/01/06 ueno Make Original -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library ieee ; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_signed.all ; --use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- entity -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ entity CORDIC is port( -- Input/Output Data format = Fixed Point Value -- range -1.99994 to 1.99994 2's complement -- 15 14 . 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 -- Sign ^point -- IN_X : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- atan(y/X) -0.15 to 1.00 IN_Y : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- atan(Y/x) -1.00 to 1.00 IN_ANGLE : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- angle(thita) -1.74 to 1.74 IN_START : in std_logic ; -- convert start IN_MODE : in std_logic ; -- 1=atan/0=sin,cos CLK : in std_logic ; -- System Clock ENABLE : in std_logic ; -- Clock Enable XRST : in std_logic ; -- Reset OUT_FINISH : out std_logic ; -- Convert end OUT_X : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Calculate X OUT_Y : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Calculate Y OUT_Z : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) -- Calculate Z ); end CORDIC ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- architecture -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ architecture RTL of CORDIC is --constant ENABLE : std_logic := '1' ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Constants -- ----------------------------------------------------------- constant VAL0 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000000" ; -- 0.000000000 constant VALX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0010011011011101" ; -- 0.607252935 constant ATAN00 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0011001001000100" ; -- atan(1/1) constant ATAN01 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0001110110101100" ; -- atan(1/2) constant ATAN02 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000111110101110" ; -- atan(1/4) constant ATAN03 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000011111110101" ; -- atan(1/8) constant ATAN04 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000001111111111" ; -- atan(1/16) constant ATAN05 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000001000000000" ; -- atan(1/32) constant ATAN06 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000100000000" ; -- atan(1/64) constant ATAN07 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000010000000" ; -- atan(1/128) constant ATAN08 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000001000000" ; -- atan(1/256) constant ATAN09 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000100000" ; -- atan(1/512) constant ATAN10 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000010000" ; -- atan(1/1024) constant ATAN11 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000001000" ; -- atan(1/2048) constant ATAN12 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000100" ; -- atan(1/4096) constant ATAN13 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000010" ; -- atan(1/8192) constant ATAN14 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000001" ; -- atan(1/16384) constant ATAN15 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := "0000000000000000" ; -- atan(1/32768) ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Signals -- ----------------------------------------------------------- signal REG_X : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Xn Register signal REG_Y : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Yn Register signal REG_Z : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Zn Register signal REG_J : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; -- 0 to 15 counter signal AX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift X signal BX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift X signal CX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift X signal DX : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift X signal AY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift Y signal BY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift Y signal CY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift Y signal DY : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Ballel Shift Y signal TAB_Z : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) ; -- Table Select Z signal INIT_LOAD : std_logic ; -- X,Y,Z Initialize signal NOW_CONVERT : std_logic ; -- Now Conveting for CORDIC signal ADD_SUB : std_logic ; -- Next Calculate '1'=ADD/'0'=SUB ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Architectures -- ----------------------------------------------------------- begin ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Flag Control -- ----------------------------------------------------------- INIT_FLAG : process( CLK, XRST ) begin if( XRST='0' ) then INIT_LOAD <= '0' ; elsif( CLK'event and CLK='1' ) then if( ENABLE='1' ) then if( IN_START='1' and INIT_LOAD='0' and NOW_CONVERT='0' ) then INIT_LOAD <= '1' ; else INIT_LOAD <= '0' ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end process ; CONVERT_FLAG : process( CLK, XRST ) begin if( XRST='0' ) then NOW_CONVERT <= '0' ; elsif( CLK'event and CLK='1' ) then if( ENABLE='1' ) then if( INIT_LOAD='1' ) then NOW_CONVERT <= '1' ; elsif( REG_J="1111" ) then NOW_CONVERT <= '0' ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Sequence Counter -- ----------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER_GEN : process( CLK, XRST ) begin if( XRST='0' ) then REG_J <= "0000" ; elsif( CLK'event and CLK='1' ) then if( ENABLE='1' ) then if( NOW_CONVERT='1' ) then REG_J <= REG_J + 1 ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- ADD/SUB Flag -- ----------------------------------------------------------- SELECT_ADD_SUB : ADD_SUB <= not REG_Y(15) when IN_MODE='1' else REG_Z(15) ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Ballel Shifter -- ----------------------------------------------------------- BALLEL_AX : process( REG_X, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(3)='1' ) then AX <= REG_X(15) & REG_X(15) & REG_X(15) & REG_X(15) & REG_X(15) & REG_X(15) & REG_X(15) & REG_X(15) & REG_X(15 downto 8); else AX <= REG_X ; end if ; end process ; BALLEL_BX : process( AX, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(2)='1' ) then BX <= AX(15) & AX(15) & AX(15) & AX(15) & AX(15 downto 4); else BX <= AX ; end if ; end process ; BALLEL_CX : process( BX, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(1)='1' ) then CX <= BX(15) & BX(15) & BX(15 downto 2); else CX <= BX ; end if ; end process ; BALLEL_DX : process( CX, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(0)='1' ) then DX <= CX(15) & CX(15 downto 1); else DX <= CX ; end if ; end process ; BALLEL_AY : process( REG_Y, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(3)='1' ) then AY <= REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15) & REG_Y(15 downto 8); else AY <= REG_Y ; end if ; end process ; BALLEL_BY : process( AY, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(2)='1' ) then BY <= AY(15) & AY(15) & AY(15) & AY(15) & AY(15 downto 4); else BY <= AY ; end if ; end process ; BALLEL_CY : process( BY, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(1)='1' ) then CY <= BY(15) & BY(15) & BY(15 downto 2); else CY <= BY ; end if ; end process ; BALLEL_DY : process( CY, REG_J ) begin if( REG_J(0)='1' ) then DY <= CY(15) & CY(15 downto 1); else DY <= CY ; end if ; end process ; TABLE_Z : process( REG_J ) begin case REG_J is when "0000" => TAB_Z <= ATAN00 ; when "0001" => TAB_Z <= ATAN01 ; when "0010" => TAB_Z <= ATAN02 ; when "0011" => TAB_Z <= ATAN03 ; when "0100" => TAB_Z <= ATAN04 ; when "0101" => TAB_Z <= ATAN05 ; when "0110" => TAB_Z <= ATAN06 ; when "0111" => TAB_Z <= ATAN07 ; when "1000" => TAB_Z <= ATAN08 ; when "1001" => TAB_Z <= ATAN09 ; when "1010" => TAB_Z <= ATAN10 ; when "1011" => TAB_Z <= ATAN11 ; when "1100" => TAB_Z <= ATAN12 ; when "1101" => TAB_Z <= ATAN13 ; when "1110" => TAB_Z <= ATAN14 ; when "1111" => TAB_Z <= ATAN15 ; when others => TAB_Z <= VAL0 ; end case ; end process ; ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Calculate -- ----------------------------------------------------------- CALC_X : process( CLK, XRST ) begin if( XRST='0') then REG_X <= (others=>'0') ; elsif( CLK'event and CLK='1' ) then if( ENABLE='1' ) then -- Initial Value if( INIT_LOAD = '1' ) then if( IN_MODE='1' ) then -- Atan Mode REG_X <= IN_X ; else -- Sin/Cos Mode REG_X <= VALX ; end if ; elsif( NOW_CONVERT='1' ) then if( ADD_SUB='1' ) then REG_X <= REG_X + DY ; else REG_X <= REG_X - DY ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end process ; CALC_Y : process( CLK, XRST ) begin if( XRST='0') then REG_Y <= (others=>'0') ; elsif( CLK'event and CLK='1' ) then if( ENABLE='1' ) then -- Initial Value if( INIT_LOAD = '1' ) then if( IN_MODE='1' ) then -- Atan Mode REG_Y <= IN_Y ; else -- Sin/Cos Mode REG_Y <= VAL0 ; end if ; elsif( NOW_CONVERT='1' ) then if( ADD_SUB='1' ) then REG_Y <= REG_Y - DX ; else REG_Y <= REG_Y + DX ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end process ; CALC_Z : process( CLK, XRST ) begin if( XRST='0') then REG_Z <= (others=>'0') ; elsif( CLK'event and CLK='1' ) then if( ENABLE='1' ) then -- Initial Value if( INIT_LOAD = '1' ) then if( IN_MODE='1' ) then -- Atan Mode REG_Z <= VAL0 ; else -- Sin/Cos Mode REG_Z <= IN_ANGLE ; end if ; elsif( NOW_CONVERT='1' ) then if( ADD_SUB='1' ) then REG_Z <= REG_Z + TAB_Z ; else REG_Z <= REG_Z - TAB_Z ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end if ; end process ; OUT_FINISH <= not NOW_CONVERT ; OUT_X <= REG_X ; OUT_Y <= REG_Y ; OUT_Z <= REG_Z ; end RTL ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- End of File -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
//------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This file is automatically generated by VHDL to Verilog Translator. // Ver.1.08 Build Mar.6.2004 // www.sugawara-systems.com // tech-support@sugawara-systems.com // See Original Copyright Notice for property of the file .( somewhere in this file.) // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Title CORDIC calculater sin(x), cos(x), atan(y/x) -- // File CORDIC.vhd -- // Entity CORDIC -- // rev date coded contents -- // 001 99/01/06 ueno Make Original -- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- `timescale 1ns/1ns `define ns 1 `define us (1000*`ns) `define ms (1000*`us) `define sec (1000*`ms) module cordic ( in_x, in_y, in_angle, in_start, in_mode, clk, enable, xrst, out_finish, out_x, out_y, out_z ); input [15:0] in_x ; input [15:0] in_y ; input [15:0] in_angle ; input in_start; input in_mode; input clk; input enable; input xrst; output out_finish; output [15:0] out_x ; output [15:0] out_y ; output [15:0] out_z ; parameter [15:0] val0=16'b0000000000000000; parameter [15:0] valx=16'b0010011011011101; parameter [15:0] atan00=16'b0011001001000100; parameter [15:0] atan01=16'b0001110110101100; parameter [15:0] atan02=16'b0000111110101110; parameter [15:0] atan03=16'b0000011111110101; parameter [15:0] atan04=16'b0000001111111111; parameter [15:0] atan05=16'b0000001000000000; parameter [15:0] atan06=16'b0000000100000000; parameter [15:0] atan07=16'b0000000010000000; parameter [15:0] atan08=16'b0000000001000000; parameter [15:0] atan09=16'b0000000000100000; parameter [15:0] atan10=16'b0000000000010000; parameter [15:0] atan11=16'b0000000000001000; parameter [15:0] atan12=16'b0000000000000100; parameter [15:0] atan13=16'b0000000000000010; parameter [15:0] atan14=16'b0000000000000001; parameter [15:0] atan15=16'b0000000000000000; reg [15:0] reg_x; reg [15:0] reg_y; reg [15:0] reg_z; reg [3:0] reg_j; reg [15:0] ax; reg [15:0] bx; reg [15:0] cx; reg [15:0] dx; reg [15:0] ay; reg [15:0] by; reg [15:0] cy; reg [15:0] dy; reg [15:0] tab_z; reg init_load; reg now_convert; wire add_sub; wire out_finish; wire [15:0] out_x; wire [15:0] out_y; wire [15:0] out_z; always @ (posedge clk or negedge xrst ) begin if ((xrst === 1'b0)) init_load <= 1'b0; else begin if ((enable === 1'b1)) begin if ((((in_start === 1'b1) & (init_load === 1'b0)) & (now_convert === 1'b0))) init_load <= 1'b1; else init_load <= 1'b0; end end end //always always @ (posedge clk or negedge xrst ) begin if ((xrst === 1'b0)) now_convert <= 1'b0; else begin if ((enable === 1'b1)) begin if ((init_load === 1'b1)) now_convert <= 1'b1; else if ((reg_j === 4'b1111)) now_convert <= 1'b0; end end end //always always @ (posedge clk or negedge xrst ) begin if ((xrst === 1'b0)) reg_j <= 4'b0000; else begin if ((enable === 1'b1)) begin if ((now_convert === 1'b1)) reg_j <= (reg_j + 1); end end end //always assign {add_sub}=(in_mode === 1'b1) ? ~ (reg_y[15]) : reg_z[15]; always @ (reg_x or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[3] === 1'b1)) ax <= {{{{{{{{reg_x[15],reg_x[15]},reg_x[15]},reg_x[15]},reg_x[15]},reg_x[15]},reg_x[15]},reg_x[15]},reg_x[15:8]}; else ax <= reg_x; end //always always @ (ax or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[2] === 1'b1)) bx <= {{{{ax[15],ax[15]},ax[15]},ax[15]},ax[15:4]}; else bx <= ax; end //always always @ (bx or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[1] === 1'b1)) cx <= {{bx[15],bx[15]},bx[15:2]}; else cx <= bx; end //always always @ (cx or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[0] === 1'b1)) dx <= {cx[15],cx[15:1]}; else dx <= cx; end //always always @ (reg_y or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[3] === 1'b1)) ay <= {{{{{{{{reg_y[15],reg_y[15]},reg_y[15]},reg_y[15]},reg_y[15]},reg_y[15]},reg_y[15]},reg_y[15]},reg_y[15:8]}; else ay <= reg_y; end //always always @ (ay or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[2] === 1'b1)) by <= {{{{ay[15],ay[15]},ay[15]},ay[15]},ay[15:4]}; else by <= ay; end //always always @ (by or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[1] === 1'b1)) cy <= {{by[15],by[15]},by[15:2]}; else cy <= by; end //always always @ (cy or reg_j ) begin if ((reg_j[0] === 1'b1)) dy <= {cy[15],cy[15:1]}; else dy <= cy; end //always always @ (reg_j ) begin case (reg_j) 4'b0000 : tab_z <= 16'b0011001001000100; 4'b0001 : tab_z <= 16'b0001110110101100; 4'b0010 : tab_z <= 16'b0000111110101110; 4'b0011 : tab_z <= 16'b0000011111110101; 4'b0100 : tab_z <= 16'b0000001111111111; 4'b0101 : tab_z <= 16'b0000001000000000; 4'b0110 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000100000000; 4'b0111 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000010000000; 4'b1000 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000001000000; 4'b1001 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000100000; 4'b1010 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000010000; 4'b1011 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000001000; 4'b1100 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000000100; 4'b1101 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000000010; 4'b1110 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000000001; 4'b1111 : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000000000; default : tab_z <= 16'b0000000000000000; endcase end //always always @ (posedge clk or negedge xrst ) begin if ((xrst === 1'b0)) reg_x <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin if ((enable === 1'b1)) begin if ((init_load === 1'b1)) begin if ((in_mode === 1'b1)) reg_x <= in_x; else reg_x <= 16'b0010011011011101; end else if ((now_convert === 1'b1)) begin if ((add_sub === 1'b1)) reg_x <= (reg_x + dy); else reg_x <= (reg_x - dy); end end end end //always always @ (posedge clk or negedge xrst ) begin if ((xrst === 1'b0)) reg_y <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin if ((enable === 1'b1)) begin if ((init_load === 1'b1)) begin if ((in_mode === 1'b1)) reg_y <= in_y; else reg_y <= 16'b0000000000000000; end else if ((now_convert === 1'b1)) begin if ((add_sub === 1'b1)) reg_y <= (reg_y - dx); else reg_y <= (reg_y + dx); end end end end //always always @ (posedge clk or negedge xrst ) begin if ((xrst === 1'b0)) reg_z <= {(15-0+1- 0){1'b0}}; else begin if ((enable === 1'b1)) begin if ((init_load === 1'b1)) begin if ((in_mode === 1'b1)) reg_z <= 16'b0000000000000000; else reg_z <= in_angle; end else if ((now_convert === 1'b1)) begin if ((add_sub === 1'b1)) reg_z <= (reg_z + tab_z); else reg_z <= (reg_z - tab_z); end end end end //always assign {out_finish}=~ (now_convert); assign {out_x}=reg_x; assign {out_y}=reg_y; assign {out_z}=reg_z; endmodule |
1.Plasma (most MIPS I (TM))
The Plasma CPU core supports all MIPS I(TM) user mode instructions with
only two exceptions, written in VHDL by Steve Rhoads-san.
The source code can be seen in opencores project..
Since source is written in VHDL, I translated it to Verilog using Veritak
Translator almost automatically.
Only two changes were necessary to run in Veritak Verilog Simulator.
However it is not sufficient to synthesize Xilinx/Altera. I needed
following works
Post Layout Simulation
It is best to use actual FPGA to ensure proper logic synthesis. However
, it is rather bigger for Xilinx starter kit which is only FPGA board I
have.( I made 32KB SRAM implementation in Plasma.!) So I did post layout
gate simulation for Xilinx and Altera. The same simulation result as RTL
simulation was obtained by Post Layout Gate simulation for both.
2. YACC (Yet Another CPU CPU - Yet Another most MIPS I (TM))
YACC (Yet Another CPU CPU) is MIPS I (TM) subset cpu written in native Verilog-2001
HDL. YACC has 5 pipeline and shows 110DMIPS in stratix2 with synthesized
allowable maximum clock of 165MHz. It is independent design of plasma ,although
YACC uses gcc-elf-mips tools provided by Steve Rhords, author of plasma (Most mips written in VHDL).
The core was developed by using Veritak Simulator, with post layout gate
simulation, and tested by actual FPGAs, using Xilinx spartan3 starter kit
and Cyclone by Altera,running 800 digits of pi calculation ,(255,223) Reed
Solomon Error Correction ,and Interactive calculator written by C language.
Release Note
Added an example to implement new hardware block to YACC with test bench
Complete Xilinx Starter Kit's project : Calculator by using hyperterminal
Download Build Aug.27.2005 (20MB)
Release Note
Added an example to implement new hardware block to YACC. (See
Dec.5.2005 Added newlib compilation example /cygwin binary compiler/some
c sources examples using soft-floating library This environment is not
compatible with previous release.Because using floating library requires
rather larger memory area (32KB) , while previous space was 16KB. This
means we can not use spartan3 starter kit in this time. We have to wait
release of spartan 3E kit for 32KB memory.Also it is noted c compiler now
becomes gcc-3.44.
Download Build Dec.5.2005 (40MB)
3.Analysis of CRC Generator (Generator of synthesizable CRC functions)
OverviewVeritak Project Name | Description | Remarks |
*_no_save.prj | Project without waveform save | Save WaveformView is disabled due to too big history for entire simulation. as save all.. |
*_trace_mode.prj | Project with trace mode. | You can use "Jump to Driver" function in WaveformView. |
*_trace_mode2.prj | Project with trace mode2. | Generates tage file. |
IP CORES | Veritak Project File Position | No of source lines | Simulation seconds/minutes/hours/ -Athlon64 3000+1GB Memory on W2K) |
Download(ZIP) | Remarks |
AC97 | /ac97_ctrl/bench/verilog | 11K | 49min54sec | AC97(0.3MB) | ac97_no_save.prj |
CAN | /can | 12K | 0min | CAN(0.2MB) | can.prj |
ATA | /ata | 4K | 13min38sec | ATA(1MB) | Nov.22.2004 no_save_ata.prj |
PCI | /pci/bench/verilog | 89K | 1.5h | PCI(14MB) | pci_no_save.prj |
USB1.1 | /usb11 | 11K | 2min37sec | USB1.1(0.3MB) | Added `include to source code. usb11_no_save.prj |
I2C | /i2c | 2K | 2sec | I2C(0.7MB) | i2c.prj |
ETHERNET | /ethernet/ethernet | 45K | 4h | ETHERNET(2.6MB) | tb_ethernet_no_save.prj |
AES | /aes_core | 2K | 13sec | AES(0.2MB) | aes.prj |
DES | /des | 2K | 1sec | DES(0.5MB) | des_trace_mode.prj |
GENERIC FIFO | /generic_fifos/generic_fifos/bench/verilog | 2K | 2h | GENERICFIFO(0.1MB) | fifo_no_save.prj |
GPIO | /gpio/gpio | 4K | 41sec | GPIO(0.6MB) | gpio.prj |
WB_DMA | /wb_dma | 15K | 46h | WB_DMA(1.5MB) | |
WB_CONBUS | /wb_conbus | 4K | 6sec | WB_CONBUS(0.4MB) | conbus.prj |
WB_CONMAX | /wb_conmax | 11K |
10min6sec | WB_CONMAX(0.2MB) |