Analog PLL Design and Simulation by Verilog HDL
1. Block Diagram
2. Transfer Function
3. Web-Calculator
To calculate appropriate constant C1/C2/R1, following web-calculator is
In the site you can get value of C1/C2/R2 as follows.
4. Transfer Function to State Space Model
Since Veritak needs state-space model, following script (MATLAB) is used.
C2=17e-12 C1=82e-12 R1=4667 R1C1=R1*C1; C1_C2=C1+C2; C1C2R1=C1*C2*R1; b=[R1C1 1]; a=[C1C2R1 C1_C2 0]; [A,B,C,D] = tf2ss(b,a) a2=[C1C2R1 C1_C2 0 0]; kv=200e6; ki=260e-6; N=32; Gain=kv*ki/N; W=logspace(4,9); freqs(b*Gain,a2,W) save 'F:\verilog\PLL\loop_filter.txt' A B C D -ascii -double
In comparison, let's try additional two cases, less phase margin of 15degree
and much phase margin 75degree.
Open-loop frequency response will be as follows.
Degree 45
Degree 15
Degree 75
5. Analog Simulation
Here is a source code written by Verilog-2001
//May.6.2005 //Analog PLL demo `define CYCLE (1.0/13.56/2*1e6 ) `timescale 1ps/1ps module pll_test; reg ref_clock=0; always #(`CYCLE) ref_clock=~ref_clock; pll_module #(.File_Name("loop_filter.txt")) PLLl_1MHz (ref_clock); pll_module #(.File_Name("loop_filter1MHz_much_phase.txt")) PLLl_1M_Much(ref_clock); pll_module #(.File_Name("loop_filter1MHz_less_phase.txt")) PLLl_1M_Less(ref_clock); endmodule module pll_module #(parameter File_Name="loop_filter.txt") (input ref_clock); wire v_clock,d_clock; wire [1:0] iout; pfd pll1(.ref_clock(ref_clock), .d_clock(d_clock), .iout(iout)); loop_filter_and_vco #(.File_Name(File_Name)) lvco(.iout(iout),.v_clock(v_clock)); divider #(.DRatio(16)) div(.v_clock(v_clock),.d_clock(d_clock)); endmodule module divider #(parameter integer DRatio=32) ( input v_clock, output reg d_clock=0); integer counter=0; always @(posedge v_clock) begin if (counter==DRatio-1) counter <=0; else counter <=counter+1; end always @(posedge v_clock) begin if (counter ==DRatio-1) d_clock<=~d_clock; end endmodule module loop_filter_and_vco #(parameter File_Name="loop_filter.txt") ( input signed [1:0] iout, output v_clock); localparam real Igain=-(-260e-6);//A localparam real Igminus=260e-6; localparam integer cycle=100;//ps localparam real Vco_Gain=200*1e6;//Hz/V localparam real Center_Frequency=200e6;//433.92e6;//Hz real I; real read_array[0:10];// Input vector for rungekutta real write_array[0:10];//Output vector from rugekutta real vco_in; real omega,delta_theta; real theta,delta_theta; real vco_waveform; always @(*) I=Igain*iout; always #(cycle) begin read_array[0]=I;// $runge_kutta(File_Name,1);//Loop Filter V/I vco_in=write_array[0];//Get Loop Filter voltage omega=2.0*(Center_Frequency+vco_in*Vco_Gain)*$M_PI; delta_theta=cycle*1e-12*omega;// theta=theta+delta_theta; vco_waveform=$sin(theta);// end assign v_clock=vco_waveform>=0 ? 1:0; initial begin $runge_kutta(File_Name,0,read_array,write_array);//rugekutta Initialization #(8200*1000) $finish; end endmodule module pfd( input ref_clock, input d_clock, output reg signed [1:0] iout); integer state=0; always @(posedge ref_clock) state=state+1; always @(posedge d_clock) state=state-1; always @(*) begin if (state>0) state=1; else if (state<0) state=-1; if (state>0) iout=1; else if (state<0) iout=-1; else iout=0; end endmodule
In control theory, 45 degree of phase margin is ideal for
proper settling time. That is confirmed in analog simulation by verilog-HDL.