Automatic Grouping
A sample below is ModelSim(TM) generated VCD. It is noted wire buses are
expanded as each bit.
Sometimes this is frustrating for editing the signals on waveformview.
If you would like to view those signals as bus,Add selected signals as buses is useful as below.
(1bit selection is fully enough to make a bus.)
You can do it in another way. Display VCD and Veritak's waveform on same waveformview
Define vcd file in the project the same way.
VCD Structure is displayed in title bar if the node is vcd.
Sort By Scope will make easier to view between VCD and RTL sim. Shift VCD waveform
You'll see the dialog below by
Menu->Utility -> Add VCD Starttime Offset
You can set value by 3 alternative ways.
In this tutorial, we use difference between T1 and T2 cursor.
TIPS: Waveform Comparison
You can compare two waveforms visually.
This function does not depend on the waveforms origin, VCD or Veritak.
Consecutive Two pair which have the same bit width are automatically compared.
Check by Red Marker enables different portions display by red as below.
If No difference has detected ,then the display will be as follows.
Please note compared pair of waveforms are displayed as "]" at rightest position of the display. If "]" is not displayed, two waveforms are not compared because of incompatible
bit-width or due to some restrictions.
There may be some differences that must be neglected. Since algorithm displays
red-mark even if any glitch less than 1 dot-time in entire view, this
makes noisy in some situations. In such situation, you can define tolerance
as follows.
The display below shows 1ns shifted(3401->3402) vcd intentionally.
So, 1.1ns tolerance will filter those unwanted detections.
Tolerance examples
In the example below, VCD's floating scaling makes some jitter. To neglect
those glitch, we define 0.1ns tolerance.
Thus, successfully filtered those glitches.
If we widen the tolerance than the cycle of externally sampled based VCD
can we ignore 1 clock shift?
Unfortunately, we can not do this. Following seems to be tricky but is
legal result in current algorithm.