5.2.2 Dual Port RAM (unisim)

RTL Simulation
Here is RTL simulation using RAMB4_S8_S8.

Test bench is simple. Write data incrementally for entire 8-bit address space ,and read data incrementally for entire address space.

Here is hardware description, just wrapper for RAMB4_S8_S8 in Xilinx unisim library.

Here is Configuration of RTL project
You may use "RAMB4_S8_S8.v" instead of lib_dir "unisim" for faster compilation.

Gate simulation
Synthesize "ram_module" and generate ram_module_timesim.v and ram_module_timesim.sdf..
Using these files, Gate Simulation configuration is as follows.

Figure below shows post-layout simulation results.
SDF timing error will be appeared about several nsec due to simulator's transitional state on power on. Ignore errors on such duration