
Open "sample3.v" and Press Go button.
Simulation will be paused by $stop command in line 7.
Pushing Scope Tree View  makes scope-tree view to the front as below.

1.4 Add waveform

Select all signals on Scope TreeView
Right-click,and  Add to WaveformView

You can add signals by Drag&Drop as well

Note: Press ESC to cancell D&D.

You can add a signal by Veripad as well
For Example;


Finally, you will see following display.

1.5 Cursor

Placement of Views are depending on what you like. In this tutorial, Use my favorite position..

Clicking Column of Scope makes scope-tree view to the front with addressed signal highlighted.

Entire Wave button enables the view from time 0 to current simulation time.

Two cursors(T1,T2) are available. Cursor operation is as follows.

Left/Right of Mouse Click Double-Click
T1  Left invoke dismiss
T2 Right invoke dismiss

Use "|+|" button to zoom portions between T1-T2.

Double-click the signal to expand vector to bits.
In figure below,"c10" is double-clicked, and arranged using Arrange WaveformViews
Double-click vector signal again to fold expanded bits.


<How to move from View to View>

Use Ctrl-Tab. It is recommended you use following configuration of view.
Clicking title-bar makes highlighting the view