2.4.20 Source Protection

This is Veritak-unique. Veritak encrypts your HDL source file which can be read by  only Veritak Simulator (can not be read by any other simulator). You can Co-work with other developers on the same project where you and your Co-developer share the sources, while your source is encryped if you would like. Generation of Encrypt source

Check Encrypt option on Project Setting as below.

 Save the project, and reload the project. Then extension *.vpp files are generated on the folder of the project. They are encrypt source after pre-processed,
means `ifdef `include `define macro have been already expanded. Generation of Encrypt Project

Save the project above by another name.
In this tutorial, we generate alu_test_encrypt.vtakprj. Edit the Project

Assume your designed source is alu.v. So alu.v (plain source) is only replaced by alu.vpp (encrypt source) as follows.
Save the project Run the Encrypt project

It is all the same project as usual except that file name is encryp and you can not open source editor.